0:09. In-Out Hammer Curls: 7r 20w 8r 20w Strip-set Curls: 24r 25w 24r 25w. OK, so here are the results for Back and Biceps and Ab Ripper X. Posting these results from the last time I did the routine to the latest will show what gains I have done if any, and help me to be motivated to keep making gains as well. P90X Day 31: Back & Biceps + Ab Ripper X. Could you inform me of this. 10 BACK - Reverse Grip Bent-Over Rows 11 BICEPS - open-Arm curls 12 BICEPS - Static-Arm Curls 13 BACK - Towel Pull-Ups (Switch every 31 14 BACK - Congdon Locomotives 15 BICEPS - Crouching Cohen Curls 16 BICEPS - One-Arm Corkscrew Curls 17 BACK - Chin-Ups 18 BACK - Seated Bent-Over Back Flys 19 BICEPS - curl-Up/Hammer Downs 20 BICEPS - Hammer Curls P90X Day 31: Back & Biceps + Ab Ripper X. Superman: ALL ALL. Or, you could also take a seated position to complete the exercise as well. Curl-ups/Hammer Down: 6r 25w 8r 25w Hammer Curls: 7r 25w 9r 25w. P90X in 90 Seconds: Back and Biceps - Duration: 1:36. Reverse Grip Bent over Rows: 12r 25w 12r 30w. Learn how to get order discounts and FREE fitness gear! The amount of weight that you want to use solely depends on what your are trying to achieve. Seated Bent Over Back Fly. Ramped Fitness Seated Bent-Over Back Flies - Duration: 0:11. Max Rep Pull-ups: 9 chair/wide flys 5 chair/corn cob. Your torso should be nearly parallel to the floor ( although you shouldnt be as far bent over as to be kissing your knees) however your back should remain straight. Do this workout and over 100,000 other workouts in Workout Trainer for iOS & Android by Skimble. Alright everyone, I have started back on the P90X program after taking way to long off after I finished the first 90 days. Superman: ALL ALL. Slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position under control. While sitting on a chair, lean forward, take two weights and do flies. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions. Things are going quite good, I am surprised at just how quick I am getting back into the weight where I left off. Reverse-grip barbell rows are third in this back arsenal, and my back is already pumped, so only one warm-up set of 15 reps is needed. Seated Cable Rows might be better than Bent-Over Barbell Rows for athletes who have trouble with their hip hinge and lower-back strength, because Seated Cable Rows place you in … You are currently browsing the P90X Challenge blog archives for the day Thursday, March 6th, 2008. Curl-Up/Hammer Downs - R 10 . Max Rep Pull-ups: 9 chair/wide flys 5 chair/corn cob. Ken Rampolla 5,524 views. Seated Bent-Over Back Flys - R 15 . Hope this helps. What I have found is everything you read is merely a suggestion when it comes to weight and reps. You have to figure out what works for you in both areas. That exercise is a killer! So. Success! Join 500,000+ People with back issues should avoid this exercise, as doing it without the proper technique may cause back injury. I have a long frame and my lower back just wont take it. ! Do P90X Back & Biceps. W 15 21. W 15 & Resistance Band-----I've been wanting to share what tools I use for the P90X regiment. Secure a flat bench and select the desired weight from the rack. Superman: ALL ALL. Reverse Grip Bent-Over Rows Open Arm Curls Static Arm Curls Towel Pull-Ups Congdon Locomotives Crouching Cohen Curls One-Arm Corkscrew Curls Chin-Ups Seated Bent-Over Back Flys Curl-Up/Hammer Downs Hammer Curls Max Rep Superman In-Out Hammer Curls Strip-Set Curls . Make sure to do the exercise slowly and watch yourself in the mirror during the exercise to make sure you are keeping good posture. Just as I was starting to think I could hang with Tony and his cohorts as they cranked through the P90X videos, they threw me for a loop with Back & Biceps. 8 Worst Bodyweight Exercises Ever (STOP DOING THESE!) Reverse Grip Chin-ups; Wide Front Pull-ups; Closed Grip Overhand Pull-ups; Switch Grip Pull-ups (Switch every 2 reps) P90X Back Exercises – P90X BACK & BICEPS . Build muscle, lose fat & stay motivated. M&S weekly newsletter sends you workouts, articles and motivation based on your goal. i am doing dough's 5 day workout and i like to know what pounds to use for dumbbell rear delt fly my current weights is 174 lb and height is 5'6". Not sure what's going on. I dont do this one in this manner. Reverse Grip Bent over Rows: 12r 25w 12r 30w. Allow the arms to hang straight down from the shoulders with a neutral grip and dumbbells behind your calves. I laid face down on a short bench (head over the end) angled about 30 degrees. I understand each exercise as I watched the video's, but there was no mention of the amount of weight to use. I am on my 6th week which would put me on Phase2 second week. Entries (RSS) Email: click here. WORKSHEET WORKSHEET WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 9 WEEK 11 WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 9 WEEK 11 This routine is performed during weeks 1, 2, 3, 9, and 11. P90x worksheets 1. For all of the back exercises I used 30 pounds dumbbells with the exception of the Seated Bent Over Back Flys (I used 25 pounds dumbbells for that exercise). In-Out Hammer Curls: 7r 20w 8r 20w Strip-set Curls: 24r 25w 24r 25w. Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged challenge, day 60, p90x, pictures, review | Leave a Comment » Phase2 week 4 March 10, 2008. It doesnt matter what weight or height you are, you just need to be able to do enough reps to where its tough. WORKSHEET WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 9 WEEK 11 This routine is performed during weeks 1, 2, 3, 9, and 11. Max Rep Pull-ups: 9 chair/wide flys 5 chair/corn cob. Ken. 0:11. Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press Video Guide. Back Flys; P90X Back Exercises – P90X LEGS & BACK. Lines and paragraphs break automatically. Just enough so that you could pump another rep if you wanted to. I get some painful popping in my left shoulder when I start pushing myself on this lift. When I lean over as far as I can go, is my back supposed to be straight. hi guys would tell me please how many minutes to rest after every reps. They are heavily involved in maintaining proper posture and strengthening them by using exercises such as the seated bent over dumbbell reverse fly can help keep you injury free. AB Ripper X - Oblique V Ups, man. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. sit down on a bench, holding two db's down below your legs by your feet, then lift out to the sides to 90 degrees squeezing back at the top of every rep, then… Seated bent over back flys on Vimeo Join Keep the abs braced and donât arch the back at the top of the movement. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. Donât jut your head forward during the movement - this is about stimulation for a small muscle group. per arm Curl Up / Hammer Down: 12x, 17.5 lbs. Superman - R 4 23. thanks. I lower and reverse my preacher rest to put my chest against which takes the lever load off my back. per arm Hammer Curls: 12x, 17.5 lbs. Using your resistance bands or dumbbells, “fly” your elbows out as much as you can so you’re in a scarecrow position. This is the one I am supposed to do on Wednesday. Sit in an upright position and then hinge forward from the hips. Wt - 120 Time of workout = 55 min Cals burned = ? Fifth set of back exercises includes: Chin-Ups and Seated Bent-Over Back Flys. Seated Bent-over back Flys: 12r 25w 11r 30w. Should I be worried and change exercise? Seated Bent-over back Flys: 12r 25w 11r 30w. per arm Strip Set Curls: 17.5 lbs., 12.5 lbs., 10 lbs. Allow the arms to move freely but donât lock out the elbows. The seated bent over dumbbell reverse fly is a dumbbell reverse fly variation and an exercise used to strength then rear deltoids. Fifth set of biceps exercises: Curl-Up/Hammer Downs and Hammer Curls. I have made gains in almost all of the … W 15 24. Columbia, SC 29209 In-Out Hammer Curls: 7r 20w 8r 20w Strip-set Curls: 24r 25w 24r 25w. Brett Blumenthal 89,771 views. :(. AB RIPPER X: 90% 100%. P90X Day 36 I guess I had one of those mornings. During Back & Biceps I increased my reps and I also increased the amount of weight I used for many of the exercises. Focus during the movement and donât just rely on momentum. I excelerated from 16oz to kegs and notice gains all over and having a blast while doing it! P90X Worksheet - Treino P90X Brasil 1. Seated Bent Over Dumbbell Reverse Fly Instructions Secure a flat bench and select the desired weight from the rack. Seated Back Flys - Duration: 0:10. I had poor gains until I got out of the box and just focused on what was giving me good solid burns and pumps. Hopefully you will be able to see some improvements from the 30 day to the 60 day shots. Reverse Grip Bent Over Rows - Set of 16 @ 15 Pounds Open Arm Curls - Set of 10 @ 35 Pounds Static Arm Curls - Set of 10 @ 35 Pounds Towel Pull-Ups - Set of 20 Congdon Locomotive Set of 20 @ 35 Pounds One Arm Corkscrew Curls - Set of 10 @ 35 Pounds Chin-Ups - Set of 20 Seated Bent-Over Flys Set of 10 @ 25 Pounds Curl Up/Hammer Down - Set of 10 @ 35 Pounds In-Out Hammer Curls … 10 BACK - Reverse Grip Bent-Over Rows 11 BICEPS - open-Arm curls 12 BICEPS - static-Arm Curls 13 BACK - Towel Pull-Ups (Switch every 3) 14 BACK - Congdon Locomotives 15 BICEPS - Crouching Cohen Curts 16 BICEPS - One-Arm Corkscrew Curls 17 BACK - Chin-Ups 18 BACK - Seated Bent-Over Back Flys 19 BICEPS - curl-Up/Hammer Downs 20 BICEPS - Hammer curls Blog at WordPress.com. Join 500,000+ newsletter subscribers! Seated Bent Over Back Flys [41 sec]: Sit on a chair, lean forward, grab two weights and do flies with them. Find the weight where this applies. Sit in an upright position and then hinge forward from the hips. Seated Bent-over back Flys: 12r 25w 11r 30w. This relatively-short (51-minute) program was, to put it mildly, a killer. Hinge as far as comfortably possible while completing the exercise. If you experience shoulder pain during the movement then it may be beneficial to rotate the dumbbells until the thumbs are pointing away from one another and the palms are facing forward. P90X Round 2 Classic Day 75 Back & Biceps Mood - FIERCE! Build muscle, lose fat & stay motivated. Most people who are not used to doing flys try and push up which does not work your back muscles, but your traps. Move the shoulder within the joint, not the shoulder blade on the ribcage. newsletter subscribers! I cannot necessarily recommend how heavy of weight you should start off with because that all depends on your current strength, overall body goals ect. They are standard curl up but weights are pointed vertically. It might look a little weird but it will help you keep your back straight during the exercise and isolate your shoulders more. So without further ado: Back and Biceps:                   Week 6                              Week 7Â, Wide front Pull-Ups:           12 chair                       3 normal/14 chair, Lawnmowers:                      15r 35w                              18r 35w, Twenty-ones:                       21r 20w                        21r 20w (light), One-arm cross body curls:  8r 30w                                9r 30w, Switch grip pull-ups:            12 chair                               14 chair, Elbow-out Lawnmowers:    12r 30w                             11r 35w, Standing Bicep Curls:            8r 30w                                10r 30w, One-arm Concentration Curls: 7r 25w                                 9r 25w, Corn Cob Pull-ups:          3 normal/ 3 chair              1 normal/ 7 chair, Reverse Grip Bent over Rows: 12r 25w                             12r 30w, Open Arm Curls:                       10r 25w                         5/3r 30/25w, Static Arm Curls:                      16r 15w                          12/4r 20/15w, Towel Pull-ups:                           11 chair                              12 chair, Congdon Locomotives:              40r 25w                            40r 30w, Crouching Cohen Curls:              9r 20w                               9r 20w, One-arm Corkscrew Curls:        9r 25w                                9r 25w, Chin-Ups:                              10 chair                              11 chair, Seated Bent-over back Flys:     12r 25w                              11r 30w, Curl-ups/Hammer Down:         6r 25w                                8r 25wÂ, Hammer Curls:                           7r 25w                                  9r 25w, Max Rep Pull-ups:               9 chair/wide flys                5 chair/corn cob, Superman:                                      ALL                                      ALL, In-Out Hammer Curls:                7r 20w                                  8r 20wÂ, Strip-set Curls:                            24r 25w                                24r 25w, AB RIPPER X:                                90%                                      100%, I have made gains in almost all of the categories for Back and Biceps and I for the first time finished AB Ripper X without falling behind in any if the exercises!! The last move is strip set curls where you line up or switch out 4 sets of weights and do 8 curls with the heaviest first, then drop 2 1/2 or 5 lbs for 8 more reps and continue two more times. and Comments (RSS). Curl-ups/Hammer Down: 6r 25w 8r 25w Hammer Curls: 7r 25w 9r 25w. All, Today is the start of week four of phase two. Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically. Email This BlogThis! As for the weight question above. Strip-Set Curls (MOD) - R 10 . Any alternative for this? For muscle growth many suggest heavy weights with lower reps (6 to 12) I usually do 10 but of course it is always good to change it up a bit and "shock your muscles" with triple or even drop sets on occasion. Max Rep Pull-Ups (MOD) - R 20 Wide Front Pull Ups 22. That was proud moment, the fu*ked up part about that stat is I now set the bar and I cannot fall below 100% from now on… that is going to suck! I was feeling really good yesterday so we will see just how much better if at all I will be next time around. • Seated Bent-Over Back Flys • Curl-Up/Hammer Downs • Hammer Curls • Max Rep Pull-Ups • Superman • In-Out Hammer Curls • Strip-Set Curls. Just do your best! I will get some pictures out there on the halfway mark for sure. per arm Max Rep Pullups (wide): 12x assisted Superman: - In Out Hammer Curls: 10x, 17.5 lbs. Learn how to cook delicious healthy meals and snacks! Curl Up/Hammer Down [58 sec]: Do a curl up, turn the weights and lower them like a hammer. Just feel it out, start low and if you feel the weights or too low and you are not getting a good enough "burn" then increase your weights. Take a deep breath and pull the dumbbells towards the ceiling using the rear deltoids. Reverse Grip Bent over Rows: 12r 25w 12r 30w. Try using an adjustable bench, set it at about halfway (where you would have it for inclined dumbbell presses), then lay on the bench face down with your feet out behind you. 1 comment: Max Burn Weight Loss said... P90X, on the other hand, is designed with a different purpose. Check your inbox for your welcome email. 1:36 . For perfect forearms. What the hell - why are they so hard! 10 BACK - Reverse Grip Bent-Over Rows 11 BICEPS - open-Arm Curls 12 BICEPS - Static—Arm Curls 13 BACK- Towel Pull-Ups (Switch every 3) 14 BACK - Congdon Locomotives 15 BICEPS - 16 BICEPS - one-Arm Corkscrew Curls 17 BACK - Chin-Ups 18 BACK - Seated Bent-Over Back Flys 19 BICEPS - curl-Up/Hammer Downs 20 BICEPS - Hammer Curls AB RIPPER X: 90% 100%. I will be posting my 60 day pictures at the end of this week. ), Reverse Grip Bent-over Rows, Open Arm Curls, Static Arm Curls, Towel Pullups, Congdon Locomotives, Crouching Cohen Curls, One Arm Corkscrew Curls, Chin-ups, Seated Bent-over Back flys, Curl-up Hammer Downs, Hammer Curls, Max Rep Pull-ups, Superman, In-out Hammer Curls, Strip Set Curls (killer but a great ending) and then of course, Ab Ripper X! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. I think it will work as well as this. Day 1, Day 30, Day 60 and Day 86 pictures. 39 mins 10 secs, Intense. Dont go to total muscle failure. Hammer Curls [44 sec]: Do standard curls but with the weights oriented vertically. Just my two cents. Muscle & Strength, LLC There is one exercise that requires a chair (seated, bent-over back flys) and, for variety, one move that does not require any equipment at all (superman). I also recommend keeping your abdominal muscles tight throughout the exercise, this should prevent you from having any unnecessary pressure on your lower back. Stay tuned!                               Â, Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged Ab Ripper X, back and biceps, challenge, p90x, review | Leave a Comment ». AB RIPPER X: 90% 100%. Seated Bent-over Back Flys: 12x, 17.5 lbs. The rear deltoids are a smaller muscle group of the shoulder and upper back. Use the spaces provided for each exercise to record the number of reps performed and, when using dumbbells, … Whew! Join over 500k subscribers who receive weekly workouts, diet plans, videos and expert guides from Muscle & Strength. When I do this exercise, I manage to get my back straight enough so it doesn't hurt my lower back, but everytime I 'fly' upwards I can hear a small crackling kind of noise in my right shoulder. Thanks. PH: 1-800-537-9910 Same angle as shown and the same movement. ... Ramped Fitness Seated Bent-Over Back Flies - Duration: 0:09. ? Learn how real people made their transformations! Hammer Curls - R 10 . The key here is to fly out. 1180 First Street South Curl-ups/Hammer Down: 6r 25w 8r 25w Hammer Curls: 7r 25w 9r 25w. Ideally we want to focus on the rear deltoids, not the scapular retractors so movement at the shoulder blade should be limited. RampedFitness 644 views. If this is still hurting your lower back I recommend you do an alternative exercise as there are several different shoulder exercises that are just as efficient. We teach you how to do thousands of exercises! If not, then why does my lower back hurt after I lift the dumbbells but not with the other exercises. Use the spaces provided for each exercise to record the This routine is performed during weeks 1, 2, 3, 9, and 11. In-Out Hammer Curls - R 5 . Allow the arms to hang straight down from the shoulders with a neutral grip and dumbbells behind your calves. W 15 20. W 15 19. It takes time and can be quite frustrating at times as well but spend the time to figure it out and the payback will be good gains and quality workouts. Sixth set of back exercises includes: I got up and I knew that my workout was supposed to be chest, back and ab ripper but for some reason, I got out the paper that said biceps and back and ab ripper. I will just make sure I do chest, back and ab ripper on Wednesday instead. If you are not striving to bulk up but keep a fit built structure many recommend higher reps 15-20 with lighter weights. While seated, bend over so you’re just slightly over your waist. Learn how to build muscle, burn fat & stay motivated. If this is giving you back pain it can be substituted with another exercise. I don't think it really matters. This is also known as a supinated grip and will externally rotate the shoulder. : - in out Hammer Curls: 12x, 17.5 lbs using rear... Get order discounts and FREE Fitness gear are they so hard and upper back lower like! 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