Grasscutter farming is gaining popularity in Africa for good reasons. Of all grasscutter products, the meat is of high economic importance. A cane rat is ready to be used as breeding stock at age 3 … Its meat is said to be lean, "succulent and sweet", and low in cholesterol. Under this system, a large acres of land is fenced and the grass-cutter are then released into the large acres of land with a lot of natural basal feed (natural grasses) to feed on. Their tendency to adopt plantations as habitat, where they feed on agricultural crops such as maize, wheat, sugar cane and cassava often earns them the label of Agricultural pest (Anon, 2013d). It involves the massaging of the genital organ, especially at the neck region with a view to arouse its sexual consciousness. Like the guinea pig, the meat is of a higher protein but lower fat content than domesticated farm meat and it is also appreciated for its tenderness and taste. Grass-cutters under this system are usually kept inside a confined environment where housing, feeding and treatment are given to them for optimal health and development. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. That is why the farmer also utilizes the cane rat as a food source (as bushmeat), considering the meat as a delicacy. Comparatively, farmed crocodile products have replaced the wild crocodile harvest by offering consumers a better and cheaper option (Macgregor, 2006). Greater Cane Rat better known as Grasscutter belongs to the rodent family and is very closely related to the porcupine. Harbourage areas are non-crop areas on your farm where rats shelter when the crop is harvested. Higher levels of both ground and climbing rat damage are more likely when harbourage areas are in close proximity to cane blocks. During this project phase, villagers will be given a hands-on training on Fish, Cane rat and snail farming to supplement the hunting of wildlife for bushmeat trade, excessive NTFP gathering, thus improving on the income level of the villagers (improve livelihood), while taking into consideration the wise use of forest products. A small number of farmer “leaders” are chosen and trained to serve as model cane rat farmers. Grass cutter farming is a relatively new venture in animal husbandry in Nigeria but has since been practiced in many west African countries such as Ghana, republic of Benin, Togo, cote D’vore and many other countries in central Africa. Enter your email address and name below to be the first to know. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Four female grass-cutter to one male grass-cutter. It reaches a length of about 720 mm when fully mature.d Grasscutter farming will make you a minimum of N3million each year if you're taking it serious. A cane rat is ready to be used as breeding stock at age 3-4 months old. Inspect grasscutters daily in order to detect any sick animals early. Starting Grasscutter FarmingMany people want to know how to start a grasscutter/cane rat farming business. Grasscutter, botanically called Thryonomys swinderianus and commonly called the Greater cane rat, is a micro-livestock widely found in the grasslands, wet or marshy areas in Africa. Nevertheless, you must be very careful when handling it. This is a kind of husbandry or micro-livestock farming that involves raising, breeding and keeping of grasscutter for meat consumption. The aim of managing harbourage A male Grasscutter in it's cage Grasscutter or Cane rathas its botanical name as, Thryonomys swinderianus. Regularly disinfect the pens, sheds, cages its environment and materials. Gestation test is done using cotton bud. The most lucrative part of cane rat farming is the breeding stock … Greater Cane Rat popularly known as Grasscutter belongs to the rodent family and is very closely related to the porcupine, almost look alike except that porcupine is bigger. The grasscutter (Cane-rat) is a hystricomorphic rodent endemic to Africa. Its meat is said to be lean, "succulent and sweet", and low in cholesterol. Call me on +2348036476086 for training, breeding stock, meat, managing your grasscutter farm, etc These cookies do not store any personal information. We delight in writing for people under Academic sectors, production sectors, manufacturing sectors, processing or packing sectors, advertising sectors, marketing sectors and other related sectors on mini, middle and large scale businesses. Baseline management practices and productivity of captive greater cane rats were studied between February and July 1992 using questionnaires with 33 practising and former farmers in 16 villages in three regions in southern Ghana. Gabon wasn't a very favourable environment for [cane rat farming], in the sense that the Gabonese are not naturally livestock rearers, and even less rearers of wildlife. Harvesting is usually done by setting traps. Grasscutter or Cane rat farming business is a lucrative business, you need to have this in your mind. The anus and the clitoris are clamped together, As a result of the hostile nature of grass-cutter, one needs to be very careful when handling any one of them. More On Grass-Cutter / Cane Rat Farming Full Guide Grass-cutter belong to the family of rodent. There are two main management systems, and these are the extensive system and the intensive system. Likewise, in Agribusiness; either production, processing, marketing of any Agro-industry, our feasibility studies or business plan are explicit. CONTACT AN AGRICULTURAL CONTRACTOR, EASILY! It provides game for man during hunting festivals, Also, a source of raw materials to industries, Taking total numbers of stock is impossible. Do You Need A Business Plan And A Feasibility Study To Raise Fund For Your Business? Can you see the profits you will make? The most lucrative part of cane rat farming is the breeding stock production. The name grasscutter is preferable to cane rat, which refers to the ani-mal’s reputation as a marauder of planted crops (sugar cane!). The meat has a higher protein to the meat of guinea pig, chicken, and rabbit, and a lower fat content than pork, beef and mutton. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. cane rat farming project was initiated in 1994 by the Gabon’s Government and the NGO Vétérinaires Sans Frontières. A World Bank study showed that small-scale cane rat farming with a yearly stock of 260 animals (40 reprductive females) was the most o profitable system of animal exploitation in Ghana, followed by poultry and rabbit farming. This system is not usually the best because in-matured ones may be caught or injured during the harvesting period. They are usually large and weigh an average of 8.6kg per animal. Grasscutter has a ready market both on a local and international level. Ovulation: Just like female rabbits (does), female cane-rats start ovulating on sighting a male, Difficult to identify the mother of each offspring, Clear identification of mother and offspring, Excellent management of the breeding process, Reduced risk of adult male killing offspring, Increased investment (several pens needed), Reduced number of litters per female and per year. Farmers are trained in cane rat raising, animal health and marketing. The current upsurge in intensive farming practices of greater cane rat has not only lead to higher growth rate but is accompanied by increased fat deposition especially in the males. How To Own A Mega Fish Farm Business In Nigeria, How To Make Millions In Poultry Farm Business. Cane rats (Thryonomys swinderianus) are found throughout African South of Sahara where they feed naturally on vegetation. 6 Reasons Why You Should Raise Grasscutters or Cane Rats, click here to see the list of grasses and legumes, Feed Formula for Preparing Grasscutter Concentrate Feed, 6 Merits of Grasscutter / Cane Rat Farming, A Beginner’s Guide to Beekeeping [Apiculture] + Ebook, Layers Feed Intake and Weight/Growth Chart, How to Raise Backyard Chickens Successfully, The Fainting Goat – All Breed Information, Grascutters are placid and relatively prolific animal. Any grassy and weedy patches on your farm are potential harbourage areas for rats (Photo 12). Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This is a type of animal husbandry or micro-livestock farming which involves the raising, breeding and keeping of grasscutter or cane rat solely for meat consumption. INTRODUCTION TO GRASSCUTTER FARMING The breeding of grasscutter (also known as cane rat or Oya in Yoruba language) for meat is slowly becoming a success story in … Grasscutter farming is a highly lucrative agribusiness, especially in Africa where the meat is valued for its savoury taste and tenderness. Grass-cutter belong to the family of rodent. Farmers are trained in cane rat raising, animal health and marketing. On the natural bases, the male will mount one the female before it ejaculate internal and fertilize the ovary of the female. READ MORE. A productive colony that is well managed can produce between 50- 56 cane rats in a year. The four most frequently offered alternatives were beekeeping, cane rat farming, fish farming and pig farming . It was stated earlier that a colony comprises a male and four females. Want to be notified when our article is published? Grasscutter or Cane rat has its biology name as, Thryonomys swinderianus. There are three criteria in identifying sex in grass-cutters, these are; This is usually done when the female is on heat, (especially in the intensive system). A productive colony that is well managed can produce between 50- 56 cane rats in a year. In fact, cane rat looks rather more like a cat-sized, short-haired guinea pig. The cane rat expanded from their native reeds into plantations, particularly the sugar cane plantation from which they derived their name (Anon, 2013d). The same principle is what takes place even in the intensive system. Cane rats (Thryonomys swinderianus), for instance, are hunted for their meat and captive-bred animals form a good substitute which is considered of equal quality by consumers (Jori et al., 1995). Grass-cutter are usually found in the bushes or in the forest. Grass-Cutter / Cane Rat Farming Full Guide is a free article for all. In Libreville, Gabon’s capital city, for example, wild cane rat meat is sold at 2.8 US$ /kg (1 US$= 695 FCFA) but farmed animals are … Its farming is relatively new in Nigeria but not in other parts of West Africa like Ghana, Republic of Benin etc and other countries in Central Africa. Wildlife farming should be more cost-efficient than poaching. Breeding of cane rats for meat production The meat of the cane rat (Thryonomys swinderianus), a wild rodent, is greatly appreciated in western and central Africa. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. A cane rat is ready to be used as breeding stock at age 3-4 months old. Grass-cutters are also known as “cane rats” or “sugarcane rats” due to the damage they do to sugarcane plantations in the wild. The spiny fur on the back and rounded nose distinguish Grasscutter from true rats. It is also known as cane rat or cutting grass. In fact, cane rat looks rather more like a cat-sized, short-haired guinea pig. To make this juice, get 400 ml of pure lemon juice and add 55 cubes of sugar and mix with 20 litres of water. There is a Ready Market. I will like to discuss a little about the animal. These grasscutters are of two strains. There are a lot of good reasons why Grasscutter farming is increasingly gaining popularity in Africa. Quarantine new grasscutters for 2 weeks before joining them with the main stock. Today, am going to give a detailed information on Complete guide on how to start a Grasscutter farming business anywhere both in large and small scale. Examples of basal feed for grass-cutters are; elephant grass, guinea grass, paspalon, fresh maize stalk and cobs, sugar cane, pineapple leaves and crown, nervure of palm trees and coconut trees, cassava stem and tubers, pawpaw fruit, unripe tomatoes, cucumber, and so on. Take a look at it. During the first 18 months, performances achieved were 4,06 ± 1,4 young/litter, 1,86 litter/female/year and 6.77 weaned young/female/year. Cane Rat Farming Cane rat, also known as grass cutter is a giant rodent living in the bush where it is being hunted for bush meat at competitive prices. Keep feed away from rodents by making the feed store rodent-proof. A grasscutter (Thyronomys Swinderianus), which is also known as the marsh cane-rat or groundhog is a small-sized livestock (micro livestock) that is known for its adaptability to tropical vegetation which also belongs to the Hystricomorpha (porcupine family) and are usually located in mangroves, savannas, rainforests, and swamps. Chris Farm Nigeria develops well self-explanatory, irresistible feasibility studies or business plan for your Business start ups, Business Growth or Expansions through either personal funds, Grants, or loans, which could be new or existing ones. No doubt! The combination of their fast maturation and cheapness of feed qualifies cane rats as worthy of raising and for market purpose. This study attempts to characterize one of the most commonly used fat estimation parameter, the body mass index (BMI) … The greater cane rat (GCR), reputed to be African's second largest rodent, is a precocial hystricomorph with an uncommon phenotype and life history. TABLE II Problems in and the attitude of the farmers to the greater cane rat industry in Ghana Sample No. Furthermore, grass-cutter is a profitable business you can engage in. ... Cane rats (Thryonomys swinderianus), for instance, are hunted for their meat and captive-bred animals form a good substitute which is considered of equal quality by consumers (Jori et al., 1995). “You Will Be Glad You Did”. Studies have shown that 90 percent of cane rat farms in Ghana, half of porcupine farms in Vietnam, and up to three-quarters of green python farms in Indonesia still take animals from the wild. Call me on +2348036476086 for training, breeding stock, meat, managing your grasscutter farm, etc The mean litter size of the greater cane rats in this … Their tendency to adopt plantations as habitat, where they feed on agricultural crops such as maize, wheat, sugar cane and cassava often earns them the label of Agricultural pest (Anon, 2013d). The meat of grasscutters is very rich in protein and economically valuable. They can be easily reared or managed, and this made their domestication as an alternative to poaching them in the wild. Rabbit farming can be done with a very little startup capital which can grow into a big venture within short time. But in the absent of clip, hold the grass-cutter on the center of the tail, or on the fore-legs or, Feeding in grass-cutter can take the form of basal feeding or artificial feeding. The spiny fur on the back and rounded nose distinguish Grasscutter from true rats. They are Cheap to Keep: You can start raising grasscutters with a wooden cage and … Breeding Stock Production The most lucrative part of cane rat farming is the breeding stock production. Of all grasscutter products, the meat is of high economic importance. It is also known as cane rat or cutting grass. A cane rat breeding station was set up in Benin in the mid-1980s - the Benin-Germany Cane Rat Breeding Project -with support from the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ). Grass cutter farming is a relatively new venture in animal husbandry in Nigeria but has since been practiced in many west African countries such as Ghana, republic of Benin, The non-pregnant ones are re-introducing into the den. Among these aforementioned, grasscutter (cane rat) is the most preferred. Give minerals and vitamin supplements bi-weekly. Cane rats have blunt muzzles and small ears, and their speckled brown fur is coarse and bristly. The most lucrative part of cane rat farming is the breeding stock production. At one point, even the FAO appeared to be arguing that farming of musk deer in Asia could be good for conservation — while it simultaneously provided instructions for capturing musk deer from the wild. Avoid rough handling of your animals and unnecessary noise. Firstly, Grass-cutter is also know as Cane rat especially in most African Countries. Breeding of cane rats for meat production The meat of the cane rat (Thryonomys swinderianus), a wild rodent, is greatly appreciated in western and central Africa. The number of times that each type of alternative livelihood was used in the 155 identified projects. This exercise is carried out on the third month of the birth of the grass-cutter. One male can be use for four female. Many of these small mammals are … However, 90.9% of respondents (n = 22) indicated that they were undertaking greater cane rat farming with long-term commercial intentions, with the aim of exploiting the ready market and the attractive price o¡ered for the meat. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The, The female’s head is usually smallish and narrow, Their bodies is usually bigger than that of the, Their body size is smaller than that of the male. We can carry out research and develop MBA grade business plan that you can present to a bank or any investor. Wash the feeding and drinking troughs twice a week. For Breeding Stock Production. Their tendency to adopt plantations as habitat, where they feed on agricultural crops such as maize, wheat, sugar-cane, and cassava, often earns them the label of agricultural pest. It was stated earlier that a colony comprises a male and four females. So already it is not an obvious autonomous economic activity for the Gabonese…the reason that it worked very well in Cameroon, is because they are already livestock rearers. The colony sizes were relatively small, ranging between 1 and 96, with nearly a 100% farmer drop-out rate. Insert the cotton bud inside the clitoris of the female with a gentle twist. Grass cutter farming is a relatively new venture in animal husbandry in Nigeria but has since been practiced in many west African countries such as Ghana, republic of Benin. Harvesting is hunting in the wide life. After training, they are given two or three pairs of cane rats, and monitoring through follow-up visits is to ensure good husbandry and success. Cane rat, (genus Thryonomys), either of two species of large, stocky African rodent.Weighing up to 7 kg (more than 15 pounds), cane rats can grow to a length of 61 cm (24 inches), not including the scantily haired tail, which measures up to 26 cm. If the farm is placed near urban centers where bushmeat prices and demand are high, a middle-sized cane rat farm can certainly be profitable. It was stated earlier that a colony comprises a male and four females. However, before going into the details about starting a profitable grasscutter farm, it is important to discuss grasscutters or cane rats. They look alike, but the porcupine is bigger. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. These rodents also known as “The Cane Rat” or “bush meat”, generally live by the meadows, clearings, muddy territories, reed-beds, and river banks in sub-saharan Africa, and can grow to lengths of almost 2 ft (0.61 m) and weigh a little less than 19 lb (8.6 kg). The surface of the testes of the cane rat showed A productive colony that is well managed can produce between 50- 56 cane rats in a year. Furthermore, For easy understand of your idea, Contact us either by call or an email request. Many people want to know how to start a grasscutter/cane rat farming business.However, before going into the details about starting a profitable grasscutter farm, it is important to discuss grasscutters or cane rats. Grasscutter farming is not yet flooded as goat farming, pig farming, and other livestock farming.. What Is Grasscutter Farming In Nigeria? Cane rats (Thryonomys swinderianus), which naturally occur across West and Central Africa, are large animals that can grow up to 60 cm in length and weigh up to 10 kg. Those ones with blood stain or brownish colour in the cotton bud indicate that they are pregnant, while those ones that are grayish-white are not pregnant. However, the standard is that a family of grasscutters, comprising one adult male and four females should be provided a space of 1.6-2 m, A pen for giving birth and feeding the young. This breed of meat has however been successfully domesticated. Figure 2: Alternative income and protein activities implemented. They used to be widely hunted but they can now be domesticated for commercial purpose. Note; male are called buck while female are called doe. The spiny fur on the back and rounded nose distinguish Grasscutter from true rats. The only thing is that special attention is given to them. Small animals and the farming system 8 ... Rodents include Guinea pigs, giant rats and cane rats (or grasscutters) as well as the capybara, although this is considered by some to be rather large for consideration as a small animal. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Can you see the profits you will make? They become sexually active and mature at 5-6 months. Baseline management practices and productivity of captive greater cane rats were studied between February and July 1992 using questionnaires with 33 practising and former farmers in 16 villages in three regions in southern Ghana. Grasscutter (Thryonomis Swinderianus) also known as cane rat or cutting grass belongs to the family of rodent. Regarded as agricultural pests, these furry bamboo rats are rodents that feed on the roots of crop plants such as sugar cane, tapioca and bamboo. While it is popularly called grasscutter or bush meat it is known as Greater Cane Rat (botanical name, Thryonomys Swinderianus).. All rights reserved. Grass-cutter belong to the family of rodent. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The animal occurs in savannah grasslands, forest clearings, cultivated lands and secondary forests, where it is very common and is heavily hunted as a food resource in man y areas on the continent. You can also give sweetened lemon juice which has been recognized as an immune system strengthener. 2300-2500kcal, The recommended feed ratio is 50-60g/day per animal and the average daily weight. Grasscutter, botanically called Thryonomys swinderianus and commonly called the Greater cane rat, is a micro-livestock widely found in the grasslands, wet or marshy areas in Africa. Grasscutter farming pays. As humans expanded into the cane rat's native habitats, the cane rats likewise expanded from their native reeds into the plantations, particularly the sugar cane plantations … The Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife has created at the local council level official markets in order to stop the illegal hunting of endangered species. The cane rat expanded from their native reeds into plantations, particularly the sugar cane plantation from which they derived their name (Anon, 2013d). Its popular name grasscutter (or cutting-grass) better befits a species on its way to domestication. They look alike, but the porcupine is bigger. At this age, they can reproduce and give birth to as high as 12 young. Finally, be rest assured that we give you what you want if you place an order. Your email address will not be published. Cane rats also eat crops and can become serious pests in regions where corn (maize), sugarcane, pineapples, cassava, and eggplant are cultivated. They used to be widely hunted but they can now be domesticated for commercial purpose. Intuitively, Our Business Plans and Feasibility Study Report has a unique content. Can you see the profits you will make? The meat of grasscutter is delicious and there is a ready market … However, before going into the details about starting a profitable grasscutter farm, it is important to discuss grasscutters or cane rats. The reproductive age of grass-cutter is 7-8 months for both sexes. Greater Cane Rat better known as Grasscutter belongs to the rodent family and is very closely related to the porcupine. The animal occurs in savannah grasslands, forest clearings, cultivated lands and secondary forests, where it is very common and is heavily hunted as a food resource in many Grasscutter farming is gaining popularity in Africa for good reasons. The animal occurs in savannah grasslands, forest clearings, cultivated lands and secondary forests, where it is very common and is heavily hunted as a food resource in man y areas on the continent. A cane rat breeding station was set up in Benin in the mid-1980s - the Benin-Germany Cane Rat Breeding Project -with support from the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ). Were relatively small, ranging between 1 and 96, with nearly a 100 % farmer drop-out rate and! Raise Fund for your business for 300 animals was created out of some of these cookies on website! Any sick animals early ratio: 1 male can service 4 to 10 females ) also known cane! Consumers a better and cheaper option ( Macgregor, 2006 ) environment materials... Ejaculate internal and fertilize the ovary of the farmers to the porcupine is.... 'Ll assume you 're ok with this, but the porcupine the grasscutter ( Cane-rat is. Active and mature at 5-6 months are chosen and trained to serve as model rat... 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