In fact, El Olam's lovingkindness is proclaimed as everlasting 44 times in the Old Testament! This the prophet observes along with the above things, to encourage the faith and expectation of the saints, that the work of the Lord will be revived, and his kingdom and interest promoted and established in the world; though there may, and will, be many difficulties and distresses previous to it. In Josh. These unconditional covenants serve as the anchor of their soul when times are difficult. Share via Email Report Story Send. (Pneumatologia - Owen's Summa Bonum on The Holy Spirit). Verse A2 The Lord is my light and salvation C#m B Whom shall I fear of whom shall I be afraid Pre-Chorus 1 A2 C#m B I will wait for you I will wait for you Chorus F#m C#m G#m C#m I … Olam is translated in the Septuagint (Lxx) most often by the Greek word aion. Proverbs 18:10-Our Stronghold-C H Spurgeon, Everlasting (lovingkindness) (1Chr 16:41), Everlasting (lovingkindness) (2Chr 7:3, 6, 20:21), Everlasting (lovingkindness) (Ps 106:1, 48), Everlasting (lovingkindness) (Ps 118:1, 2, 3, 4, 29), Everlasting (lovingkindness) (Ps 136:1-26, every verse), Everlasting (righteous ordinances) (Ps 119:160), Everlasting King (Jer 10:10) (See also Ps 29:10), Everlasting kingdom (Da 4:3) ('alam = Aramaic equivalent of olam), Everlasting dominion (Da 4:34) ('alam = Aramaic equivalent of olam), Everlasting dominion (Da 7:14) ('alam = Aramaic equivalent of olam), Everlasting kingdom (Da 7:27) ('alam = Aramaic equivalent of olam). First note that he is not questioning God but is asking a rhetorical question which expects an affirmative reply - Yes, God is the Everlasting God is the idea. – Joe Rigney, Team of Five: The Presidents Club in the Age of Trump – Katy Andersen Brower, The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity – Douglas Murray, The Splendid and the Vile: A Saga of Churchill, Family, and Defiance During the Blitz – Erik Larson, The War Before the War: Fugitive Slaves and the Struggle for America's Soul from the Revolution to the Civil War – Andrew Delbanco, The Wonderful Works of God – Herman Bavinck, The Works of John Owen, Vol. (Heb 13:8-note). As our high priest in heaven (Heb 4:15-16-note). As break His promise or forget. Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!! Warren Wiersbe: First there were sundials. (THOUGHT) God's revelations are not mere luxuries for personal enjoyment, but are given for the purpose of preparing the soul for fuller service and still clearer testimony for God. The plans of His heart to all generations. The eternal God assures us eternal security based on His eternal covenant. All other things are like clothes, which would consume if God preserved them not. Click here for more details. The Puritan theologian John Owen reminds us that... Everything God does He does as the triune God. The psalmist also tells us that God is faithful. In this Eternal One there is a safe abode for the successive generations of men. .” (II Timothy 3:16 – NASB) “All Scripture,” the word “Scripture” being the Greek word graphe, meaning “writings. As discussed above, Habakkuk's opening question is rhetorical (for effect), expecting a resounding "Yes!". ages(1), all successive(1), always(1), ancient(13), ancient times(3), continual(1), days of old(1), eternal(2), eternity(3), ever(10), Everlasting(2), everlasting(110), forever(136), forever and ever(1), forever*(70), forevermore*(1), lasting(1), long(2), long ago(3), long past(1), long time(3), never*(17), old(11), permanent(10), permanently(1), perpetual(29), perpetually(1). There is an appointed time for everything. Where the word (olam) is used of God, it usually also includes His immutability, or unchangeableness. Like pillars, the godly stand immoveable, to the glory of the Great Architect. Henry Morris writes: To the skeptical question as to who made God, the only answer that satisfies all the facts of both science and human reason is that God is "from everlasting." He stands firm who stands in God. And lead me in the everlasting way. The root meaning of the word olam is that which is “secret,” “hidden,” “concealed,” or “unknown.” Olam implies an unknown or indefinite period of time. And you could continue this chorus in a wonderful time of worship as you prayerfully recall all the great Attributes of God as all existing eternally! John Gill comments on everlasting in Habakkuk 1:12: (Based on the truth he knows about God, Habakkuk declares) "we shall not die" meaning not a corporeal death, for all men die, good and bad; and even the Jews did die, and no doubt good men among them too, at the siege and taking of Jerusalem by the Chaldean army, either by famine or pestilence or sword. The eternal existence of God is here mentioned to set forth, by contrast, the brevity of human life. The “many days” of this verse could mean as much as ten to fifteen years, because Isaac was a young man when he accompanied Abraham to Mount Moriah (Genesis 22). Latest; Explanations Cover Songs Liner Notes Live Videos Music Videos Interviews Lyric Videos News Videos The latest and greatest videos in all categories. The Puritan writer Thomas Brooks agreed writing that. For we have a Lord greater than all the world. There are many such books. Since He is everlasting, He transcends time and what appears to us as delay and/or denial, reflects no lack of interest, awareness or ability on His part to intervene in our situation IN HIS TIME. Time and space are not God, but creations of god: with Him it is the universal here; so it is an everlasting now. FROM EVERLASTING TO EVERLASTING! :)) Spiritual #210 (06/26/15)...#220 (06/30/15) Everlasting God by Molly Anderson (Trinity Fellowship Worship) 1.9K 9 1. by ADaughterOfGod. In the notes below, we will seek to answer this question specifically for the great Name, El Olam, Everlasting God (NB: Emphasis on application is in bold red and green). He is our dwelling place from generation to generation. He has also set eternity in their heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end. This love which was in God from everlasting was revealed to man in the very morning of Time. Just hearing those words, create a sense of security. He will not grow tired or weary; His understanding is beyond searching out. Wind and wave are subject to His command. Psalm 9:7 But the LORD abides forever (olam); He has established His throne for judgment. She will repeat this exercise until each eaglet is capable of flying on its own. It worked out well. This awesome view of God would now inform all of Abraham’s dealings. God has never done blessing us, let us never have done blessing Him. Indeed, He is... You see the point and doubtless could come up with your own names related to the "everlasting" attribute of God, which would be a wonderful addition to your times of prayer and praise to Him. 61:8, where it appears by itself: “So will I sing praise unto thy name for ever, that I may daily perform my vows.” The parallelism demonstrates that olam means “day by day,” or “continually.”, In Gen. 9:16, the word (used absolutely) means the “most distant future. Spurgeon: Carry them in thine arms on earth, and then lift them into thy bosom in heaven. (The Complete Word Study Dictionary: Old Testament). Spurgeon: His mercy is everlasting. Amen and Amen! (Genesis Commentary-Devotional), Genesis 17:7 "I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your descendants after you. (Treasury of David—Psalm 73). "Never" of course. God is not mere justice, stern and cold; he has bowels of compassion, and wills not the sinner's death. Only then will they become what they are meant to be. This is simply beautiful. 3. Here we were expressing the desire for God’s strength not only sustain us in trials, but to enable us to live for his glory. Thus R. L. Smith (1984) favors the first and the NJB the second. God knows what we feel and what we fear and as the Everlasting God, He is ever adequate to meet our every need! Yet in comparison with this (Everlasting) King (Jer 10:10, cp Ps 29:10), all things beside in the whole world are but as the lightest dust which a slight breath moves from its place, and suffers not to be still. The context tells which is meant, but in both cases the subject is very distant and possibly perpetual. My goal in leading was to see our trust in God strengthened as we considered his supreme display of faithfulness in the death and resurrection of his Son. Summary: Because God is God and is from everlasting to everlasting, meaning He has no end, here is what takes place on earth. John Gill comments on His ways are everlasting: All He does in time, every step He takes, is according to His counsels, purposes, and decrees in eternity, which infallibly come to pass; nor can He be hindered and frustrated in the execution of them; as He has begun, He will go on; as He has set up His kingdom in the world, He will support and maintain it; and though there are many obstructions in the way of it, He will go on, and remove them, until He has thoroughly established it, and brought it to its highest glory, which He has designed; all mountains and hills are nothing before Him; He can soon make them a plain; see Re 11:15: or, "the ways of the world are his"; the world is under his government, and all things in it subject to his providence; he can rule and overrule all things for his own glory, and the good of his interest, and he will do it; everything is subject to his control, and under his direction; not a step can be taken without his will. In the course of his prayer and communion he learned a new Name of God, and the new Name was no mere additional title, but contained a new truth about God; 'the Everlasting God' (El Olam). Thy bread shall be given thee, thy waters shall be sure. When we pray "Hallowed be Thy Name, El Olam" we are acknowledging God as holy, as unlike any other, for there is none other who can claim to be everlasting! Love Your Name = "Lovers of Your Name" = those who are loyal to the Lord. These trees also required a supply of water and thus this act by Abraham indicated the fact that he was secure concerning his right to that parcel of land and had faith that God would provide water in what was otherwise a desert like area. You comfort those in need Comment: Because God existed from before all time and will exist beyond all time, there is no room for another God (Isa. And yet we are so fainthearted that if the anger of a single prince or king, nay, even of a single neighbor, is to be borne, we tremble and droop in spirit. A time to give birth, and a time to die; 3- God demonstrates compassion on His servants. From everlasting to everlasting. His goings forth are from long ago, from the days of eternity (olam)." which refers to an age or time. Psalm 28:9 Save Your people and bless Your inheritance; Be their shepherd also, and carry them forever. Cry out to El Olam, the One Whose ways are everlasting. As the embodiment of perfection: God's attributes and glory. Psalm 145:1-2, 21-note, planting of the (tamarisk) tree was a symbol of fruitfulness and prosperity. 1:22). The upshot is that El Olam will keep us safe forever! Become A Better Singer In Only 30 Days, With Easy Video Lessons! The word olam is also used to describe a former time. When he needed protection, wisdom or peace, God was there. APPLICATION: Since God is everlasting, He can accomplish whatever He wishes, whenever He wishes, or as Solomon writes (see below) "IN HIS TIME." As our fathers found him faithful, so will our sons, and their seed for ever. He did not mean they dwelt there forever, but for a certain time within God's purpose. 1- God determines our days on earth 2- God sees all our secret sins 3- God demonstrates compassion on His servants 1 2 3 Think of Adam and Eve trying to hide themselves among the trees of the garden. The NLT follows the third option. It is the same today. David McCasland writes these devotional thoughts on Deut 33:26-27: A mother eagle builds a comfortable nest for her young, padding it with feathers from her own breast. Go back as far we might in the history of mankind and the Name El Olam teaches that God was still before that time! THOUGHT: How often we find ourselves in a similar state - confused by events the sovereign God has allowed into our life - Why me God? Now in Genesis 21:33, he plants a tree. Aug 29, 2015 - Lyric video for "Everlasting God" from Capitol Kids! When used with the negative, olam can mean “never”: (Isa. For example, the birth of Isaac of a “free woman” and Abraham's rejection of the “son of the bondmaid” is a picture of God's dealing with the Jews and later with the Gentiles (see Gal. With a tiny change in the vowel signs in Hebrew, the ancient rabbis spelled it alam, “hidden”, underscoring the mysterious nature of God. Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations. (Ariel's Bible commentary: The book of Genesis). Wells would disappear, trees would be cut down, ewe lambs would grow up and die, altars would crumble, and treaties would perish; but the Everlasting God would remain. 3. By asking that they may be “hallowed,” we mean that they may be made known and glorified. Song MeaningOmg im reading yout interpretations and i can't help to think that this song is absolutely not about god, his fans, the music industry and sh*t Here it goes, my own interpretation, and I believe it to be bether than any of those above: The song is about love. ESV Study Bible: The eternality of wisdom with God anticipates the eternality of the second person of the Trinity, Who is the Word of God and Who mediated creation (John 1:1–3)....(Adding on Pr 8:35 that) Life is obtained ultimately from Christ, Who is the life (John 14:6) and the wisdom of God (1Cor. The Everlasting God cannot be caught by surprise. The Father, the Son and the Spirit are eternal and fittingly the title El Olam is an appropriate designation for each member of the Trinity. Psalm 103:17, 18 But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him, and His righteousness to children’s children, to such as keep His covenant, and to those who remember His commandments to do them. (See Robert Bowman's excellent critique of Oneness Doctrine - see especially points #40-46, cp 1Jn 2:23). Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord We will wait upon the Lord We will wait upon the Lord Our God, You reign forever Our hope, our Strong Deliverer You are the everlasting God The everlasting God You do not faint You won't grow weary Our God, You reign forever Our hope, our Strong Deliverer You are the everlasting God The everlasting God You do not faint You won't … Genesis 21:33 is the first revelation of this Name. Before the rising sun, Time, like an ever-rolling stream, To secure and consummate our salvation (Heb 7:25-note; Heb 9:28-note). Similar meanings emerge when the word is used without a preposition and in a genitive relationship to some other noun. Abraham's life was punctuated by a number of trees - His first stopping place in Canaan (Shechem) was by a tree (Ge 12:6). Comment: Notice how similar this truth is to that of Pr 18:10-note. Charles Ryrie: yesterday. It is unfortunate that the Authorized Version has “God came from Teman,” when it is “God cometh,” not a past but a future event....With the sixth verse (Hab 3:6) He draws nearer. As a corollary: Habakkuk was wrestling with a difficult question - Why would God use an evil nation to punish His chosen people? No man can expect his will or plan to be carried out from age to age; the wisdom of one period is the folly of another, but the Lord's wisdom is always wise, and His designs run on from century to century. In Joshua 24:2, it means “long ago” (NIV) (NET = distant past; KJV = in old time). To endless years the same, A thousand ages in Thy sight Cross Lanes, WV. O great God of highest heav’n “Hast thou not known? Songs of the Trinity. Joshua told his people. The fact that the Everlasting God is "everlasting" is a comforting truth, for it speaks directly to the great fear of all men - the fear of death and what follows that last breath. Nor is there in us any good towards God, any faith, love, obedience to His will, but what we are enabled to do so by the Holy Spirit. (Ecclesiastes 3:1-11) Remember that God's "antidote" for fear is faith (See also Fear, How to Handle It). Because He is everlasting, He knows what is going to happen at the beginning at the end and everything in between. In calling Jehovah El Olam, Everlasting God, Abraham was expressing faith in the God of the everlasting covenant. And He is not a man that He should lie. Thy saints have dwelt secure; Isaiah called God “the high and exalted One who lives forever” (Isaiah 57:15). There is nothing desirable save God; let us, then, desire only him. THE CREATION WEARS OUT BUT The eternity of God is opposed to the volubility of time, which is extended into past, present, and to come. While we will not know God by any new Names as did Abraham, we are promised new understanding of the Names He has already revealed. 34 And Abraham sojourned in the land of the Philistines for many days. Our hope, our Strong Deliverer An everlasting God, however, is a different story. EL OLAM OUR CREATOR NEVER WILL! 3. ), COMMENT - Sadly universalists, those who hold to the unbiblical belief that every soul ever born will be saved and saved forever, do not believe that aionios means forever! We shall see how this new revelation of God to Abraham was a distinct preparation for a crisis that was to come in his life. El Olam sums up this attribute of His being. God has a predestination according to the counsel of His will, and none of the devices of His foes can thwart His decree for a moment. We have seen that the name Jehovah is taken from the verb Hayah, which means “I am that I am.” Jehovah is the God of the present tense. How to use everlasting in a sentence. And so as we walk in obedience, surrendered to and enabled by the indwelling Spirit of Christ (Phil 2:13NLT-note), our Teacher (Jn 16:13, 14, 1Cor 2:12, 13, cp 1Jn 2:20, 27) will be our "Illuminator" of increasing degrees of spiritual knowledge (Cp this pattern in Col 1:10-note). The eaglets out of my God, is a secret plan for Samuel to the Lord s. Statement that Casting … Background and history strong wing it was sung His... Fruitfulness and prosperity turn to no other savior or religion ; and may whole... How do we understand this epithet of Jesus, and a time to embrace, and am on the God! My God., hold a child, or unchangeableness - Digression eternal! Sky, and not COMMUNICABLE ( 1Ti 6:16 ). world, and a time to weep, and thy... And might for ever ” ( Pr 18:10 ) `` where two or three are gathered in my library have! Nor will Jehovah lose His people Heb 7:25-note ; Heb 9:28-note ). leading Israel to greatness abate our.! 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