But some countries (such as America) are huge and need aircraft that can go the distance.Originally the A320 beat the 737 in terms of range, but they seemed to have been unable to continue their leadership in this area once the 737 MAX was developed. Furthermore, not all airlines operate both the Boeing 737 and Airbus A320 family of aircraft. A320と競合する737についても同様の後継機問題を抱えていた [144]。ボーイングは新設計の単通路機を研究していたものの最終的には既存機の改良を選び、2011年8月30日に737MAXの開発を決定した … Unless you closely examine the safety card or search for Boeing Sky Interior markers, it is not as easy to tell which aircraft you are on by the seating configuration. Be in the know. Follow these easy steps to disable AdBlock, Follow these easy steps to disable AdBlock Plus, Follow these easy steps to disable uBlock Origin, Follow these easy steps to disable uBlock, Jetstar Investigates After A Passenger’s Cherries Are Eaten By Staff, Delta’s CEO Believes Vaccines Are The Key To Restoring Travel, How South American Airlines Are Responding To New COVID Variants, United States DOT Outlines Service Requirements For Funding, Volotea Operates Europe’s Last Scheduled Boeing 717 Flights. It's good. If you have a keen eye, you’ll also be able to notice that the Airbus A321 has higher ground clearance and rounder engines. The debate has been going on for decades; the A320 is a so-called “fly-by-wire” aircraft, with computers translating control inputs from the pilots into electric impulses, while the 737 uses a more traditional philosophy. Boeing 737 and Airbus A320: Cockpit Differences - Duration: 8:53. We use ads to keep our content free. A pilot we interviewed who flew both said his ideal plane would combine the two. When it comes to an A320, however, the A320 has a nose that is more round. Airbus A321-200 versus Boeing 737-800 44.50 m 146 ft length 39.50 m 129 ft 7 in 34.10 m 111 ft 10 in wingspan 35.80 m 117 ft 5 in 122.60 m 2 1,320 ft 2 wingarea 125.00 m 2 1,345 ft 2 11.70 m 38 ft 5 in height 12.50 m 41 ft 2 The A320 can carry about 31 more passengers. Both aircraft have the same M0.82 maximum speed. Meanwhile, the Boeing 737 sits lower to the ground and has engines that seem to have been flattened from the bottom. The 737 was designed in the 1960s and has changed very little since that time aside from periodic updates to engines, the The two leading narrowbody aircraft, the Boeing 737 and the Airbus A320, might lack the grace and glamor of planes like the 747 or A380, but they’re a staple of the world’s flying fleet. Cirium's Andrew Doyle compares 40 years of changes in market share for the Boeing 737 and the Airbus A320 family. © 2021 TEAM スカイプロジェクト All rights reserved. Based in Washington DC, United States. 【飛行機の本 #56】輸送機T類の操縦 B737-800 vs B747 著者:鈴木 修, 大型旅客機には小さな風力発電機がある!|その重要な役目とは!(A350・B787・B777). Sign up to our daily aviation news digest. Cited by TIME and Intelligent Aerospace, among others, and interviewed by major outlet NPR, Jay’s focus on route planning and fleet developments allow him to dig deeper into the stories behind the headlines. The 737 is longer and taller than the A320 is, this results in the 737 having a higher lower number of seats when compared to the A320. After all, the Boeing 737 MAX 8 has the advantage of new technology, new engineering and has an equal astonishing large amount of orders (Over 4,000 for the 737 MAX varieties). The two have different designs that can lead to easier identification. More passengers means a smaller fuel tank and more weight, thus less range. However, the bulbous shape of the aircraft can help passengers identify that the aircraft is an A320. Boeing’s marketing and communications team has done a superb job of claiming its 737 is the best selling jetliner of all time and with 12,257 firm orders since the first program, the 737-100/200, was launched in 1964. The A320 performs well in the same conditions, but I found the 737 provided more feel to the pilots. Airbus A320-200 versus Boeing 737-200 37.57 m 123 ft 3 in length 30.53 m 100 ft 2 in 34.10 m 111 ft 10 in wingspan 28.35 m 93 ft 122.60 m 2 1,320 ft 2 wingarea 91.10 m 2 981 ft 2 11.70 m 38 ft 5 in height 11.29 m 37 ft 2 engines 2 Doch Boeing ist dem Konkurrenten … ボーイングB737とエアバスA320はよくライバル同士だと言われているが本当にそうなのだろうか?, ・アメリカ一強時代に飛行機が好きになった身としては、ボーイング機が一番だという固定観念がこれまでずっとあった。, LCCの普及でエアバス機に乗る機会が増えた現在、ボーイングとエアバスの両方を比較するのも容易になり試してみたことがある。, ヨーロッパ製のエアバスA320は、機内に入った瞬間から言葉にできない優雅な気品さがただよっていた…, 初めてA300-600Rに乗った時にもこの空気感を感じた。これは、ボーイングの機材にはない言葉にできない何かだ。, 主翼の近くに座ると感じるフラップの作動音を比較するとボーイングB737とは全く違う。人間に配慮するかのごとく作動するA320のフラップは見ても聴いても楽しく心地よい。, A320の操縦系統は、FBW(フライバイワイヤー)というコンピューターが介入する操縦システムとなっている。, 電気信号で操縦翼面を動かすことで、従来のケーブルや滑車が不要となり軽量化が可能となったほか、失速に入らないよう強力なプロテクションも備えている。, 本来の機能は、突風など主翼に大きな荷重がかかる際に、翼端のエルロンとスポイラーを自動的に作動させ1Gで飛行できるよう保つ機能。これによって翼の構造部材を抑えて設計することができ軽量化につながった。, ボーイングではB777やB787など大型機から本格的に導入されたFBW操縦システム。B737は従来のケーブルを使った操縦システムとなっている。, ・ボーイング B737は1967年に初飛行。その後、低燃費なエンジンへの換装やコックピットのアップグレードにより現在の737NGシリーズ、737MAXに至っている。, 全てが最初からの設計だったA320は、開発当時に導入できる技術を全て取り入れたハイテク機と呼ばれる飛行機を開発した。, 意外だと思われるがエアバスはかなり保守的なのだ。FBW操縦システムも元々はコンコルドのアナログFBWからの技術を改良したもの。胴体や翼の構造もA300やA310といった飛行機がベースとなっている。, 就航当時、エアバス A320はボーイング 737を真似した飛行機だといわれていたが実際はそうではなかった。小型機という枠にいれ両者を比較すること自体が間違っているのかもしれない。, エアバス A320はコンコルドをベースに、全く新しい発想と優れた洞察力で開発された機体なのだ。. With the 737-100 having first flown on April 9, 1967, the 737 family is older than the A320 family which flown for the first time almost 20 years later.However, to better understand the history of the two families, let’s take a look at the different 737 and A320 models. Follow him on social media for all his latest travel updates. Both being short to medium range jetliners, each company has sought out ways in which they can be improved in order to outdo one another. Some like one approach, some the other. Airbus was improving the A320 through a program called the A320 Enhanced in 2006, which featured weight savings, a new cabin design, and curved sharklets. Technically the Boeing 757 also competes with the A321XLR, but the … (These figures exclude options and MOUs.) Post Script: Why not compare Boeing 737 MAX 8 vs Airbus A220/CS300 Many commentators have written in asking why don’t we compare a new plane (A220-300) with Boeing 737 MAX 8. the A220 is five seats across and the 737 is six seats across. When you book a flight, the aircraft type is usually indicated during booking. The A320 also looks nicer. The 737–800 has a cruise speed of M0.789 compared to the original A320’s cruising speed of M0.78. Boeing 737-800 versus Airbus A320-200 39.50 m 129 ft 7 in length 37.57 m 123 ft 3 in 35.80 m 117 ft 5 in wingspan 34.10 m 111 ft 10 in 125.00 m 2 1,345 ft 2 wingarea 122.60 m 2 1,320 ft 2 12.50 m 41 ft height 11.70 m 38 ft 5 in 2 Airbus A320-200 versus Boeing 777-300 37.57 m 123 ft 3 in length 73.90 m 242 ft 5 in 34.10 m 111 ft 10 in wingspan 60.90 m 199 ft 10 in 122.60 m 2 1,320 ft 2 wingarea 427.80 m 2 4,605 ft 2 11.70 m 38 ft 5 in height 18.50 m 60 ft 8 in I've flown in the A320 many times. 737 vs A320 family deliveries per model 1967-2018 Airbus sold well the A320 family aircraft to low-cost startups and offering a choice of engines could make them more attractive to airlines and lessors than the single-sourced Boeing 737 family, but CFM engines are extremely reliable. This cut is absent from Airbus A320 families. We hardly expect Boeing to promote Airbus, but the acknowledgement that officials don’t include PIPs in the A320 when comparing the 737, and displaying the illustration above that implies Airbus hasn’t done anything between 1988 with EIS and the sharklets and neo simply is misleading. It’s only 10 inches wider and thus room enough to get a win. This is usually in a 2-2 configuration. Deputy Content Manager & Lead US Journalist - Jay’s extensive travels and experience with premium products has given him incredible insight into the wider landscape of commercial aviation. There is one significant rivalry here, the Boeing 737 vs. the Airbus A320 series. In addition, Airbus’ CE… [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] The 737–800 is thus a hair faster during typical flight conditions, though it’s by only 1%. Here’s how to tell what plane you’re on when you’re at the gate. If you’re at the gate, your view is likely a bit obstructed to notice most of the features on the aircraft. I also has almost Most carriers outside of Europe operate business class as a separate cabin with different seats. Answer: There is certainly a difference in flying a Boeing 737 and an Airbus 320. BAA Training 653,003 views 8:53 Sukhoi SSJ 100 vs Boeing B737 vs Airbus A320 - … Hopefully, now, infrequent fliers will be able to tell the difference between the two! When it comes to business class, the configuration depends on the airline. The 737 family can be divided into four separate series (or generations), two of which are no longer in production: On the other hand, the A320 family includes only two generations o… However, in Europe, the 3-3 configuration is maintained but the middle seat is blocked for comfort purposes. For example, the Boeing 737 has a much sharper nose– almost in the shape of a triangle when looked at from the side perspective. The 737 doesn’t come anywhere close to the A321 aside from the fact that they are both single aisle aircraft. Most important to understand the … The cockpit windows on a Boeing 737 are more angular. Most aviation geeks will be able to tell the difference between the two planes. In economy class, both aircraft are outfitted in a 3-3 configuration. Rudyard Kipling has answered your question already before the jet airliner age started. Since their inception, both the Airbus A320 Family (1987) and the Boeing 737 range (1968) have undergone major changes and innovations up to date. Although last-minute aircraft swaps can occur, you’re more likely than not to remain on the same aircraft as indicated during booking. As Airbus progressed with the A320 Enhanced, it soon realized that engine technology had progressed to the point that it could deliver 15-20% operating cost reduction over the present generation, since the new engines will burn 16% less fuel. For example, the Boeing 737 has a much sharper nose– almost in the shape of a … It begins tapering to the nose in the first-class cabin, and by the time you get to the cockpit it’s a pretty small tube. ・アメリカ一強時代に飛行機が好きになった身としては、ボーイング機が一番だという固定観念がこれまでずっとあった。 LCCの普及でエアバス機に乗る機会が増えた現在、ボーイングとエアバスの両方を比較するのも容易になり試してみたことがある。 ヨーロッパ製のエアバスA320は、機内に入った瞬間から言葉にできない優雅な気品さがただよっていた… 初めてA300-600Rに乗った時にもこの空気感を感じた。これは、ボーイン … The cocpit also looks nice. His poem is called “The Secret of the Machines”. The Boeing 737 has a bigger cabin than the A220, and can fit more passengers and cargo on board. The 737 edges out the A320 family’s 11,021 orders. However, the A320 is wider than the 737 and has a higher number of seats if out in an all-economy configuration. There is a downward cut just after the nose. In a sense, the 737 is a bit sleeker in shape while the A320 is rounder in shape. The A320 has a better safety record than the 737. Airbus A320 vs. Boeing 737 Der Kampf um mehr Sitze Airbus will in die Modelle der A320-Familie mehr Sitze einbauen. However, other travelers may be a bit lost when it comes to identifying the type of aircraft they are flying on. In the most recent briefings, Boeing displayed the following charts comparing the 737 vs the A320. The Boeing 737 and Airbus A320 are the most popular narrowbody aircraft out there. The A320, meanwhile, is more round. Generally, an airplane manufacturer has to strike a balance between passengers and range. Please Support us by turning off your adblocker. The Airbus The A320 family backlog was slightly below the 6,000 mark and total orders reached 15,578, whereas cancellations incurred during the Boeing 737 MAX groundings brought total orders for the 737 down to 14,668 of which 10,586 The two have different designs that can lead to easier identification. You can see this in the above image of a Boeing 737-900ER. For most of us, a trip on an A320 or If you are flying on a narrowbody, it is likely either a Boeing 737 or an Airbus A320. The 737’s forward fuselage is the same as that of the 707, which was designed in the mid-1950s. Looking at the specifics, we can see that the Boeing 737 MAX beats the A320 with a higher max payload (46,040 lb vs 44,100 lb) and a higher thrust power. Both designs adhere to the overall shape of the aircraft. One of the biggest differences between the Boeing 737 and an Airbus A320 is the shape of the nose of the aircraft. The 737 MAX 9 can also be reconfigured into a super-dense 220 seater). One of the biggest differences between the Boeing 737 and an Airbus A320 is the shape of the nose of the aircraft. Have different designs that can lead to easier identification an A320 to the A321 aside from the bottom Kipling. On the aircraft carriers outside of Europe operate business class, the bulbous shape of the Machines ” Boeing. 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