- can be a bit pricey,(i paid 18$ canadian), will quickly jump out of open tanks so covers are mandatory, my first didnt last 1 day, so basically my first one was 40$. 35 Do Kuhli Loaches eat snails? Do they get along with corys? Answer: Yes. Ramshorn snails have a flattened spiral shell, kind of like a cinnamon roll. kompolina Posts: 13 Joined: Sun May 16, 2010 8:01 pm Location: Moscow, Russia. 36 Can Kuhi Loach live with Angel Fish? Judging by the amount of snails in my tank; no. Both pond snails and ramshorn snails are usually brown so color won't identify which you have. I believe they also eat plants so I will not be trying out this snail. What is the difference between Mystery and Apple snails? I have a 45 gallon tank with Dojo Loaches that has a carpet of empty MTS shells, and I think my Clown Loaches (125 gallon tank) have also learned to eat MTS. 4 Answers. I believe that kuhli loaches do consume snails but only to a certain extent. Post by … So has anybody else ever had Kuhli Loaches that are snail eaters? 39 Price of Kuhli Loach; 40 Summary of Kuhli Loach; Kuhli Loach - Everything you should Know About. I know Yo Yo Loaches will do it, but I don't want anything that big in my tank. Yep, clown loaches will clean the place of every snail besides the ones in the external filters and are very friendly with other fish but beware of skinny sickly ones as they can bring itch and have skinny disease the least so not really that much of an option unless you quarantine for a while and be prepared to treat with meds if they turn out sick. Do Kuhli Loaches Breed in Aquariums? Moderatley planted And i have seen with my own eyes , all 3 species will eat snails... Some of the snails are larger than the fish! Take the egg sacks out when you see them. I used to have tree kuhulI loaches but I only have one now. What kind of snails are they? Member. If i were you i would just try a loach out. I will look into the zebra loaches as a possible addition that would appropriate for this size tank. 1 decade ago. Some people who erroneously use loaches for snail control in their aquariums assume that the fish will also eat the snail’s eggs. A while back I introduced snails into my tank because I thought it would help with my algae problem. but they're energetic and fun to watch and do their job very well. Kuhli Loaches don’t contribute much to control the snail population in aquariums. Do Loaches Eat Snail Eggs? All these fish are part of the botia family and love to eat snails. Answer Save. You can leave a vegatable as suggested, but you may have to do this frequently. I hope the answer is "Yes". he is so messy he ... Would a Male betta, Kuhli Loaches and ghost shrimps be good tank mates? do snails ,shrimp anything?! - stays small (3.5"), loves eating snail eggs & infant snails, nice appearance, non-aggressive, industrious. It should be big enough, especially for some bigger species like Clown loaches. But they eat … … Kuhli loaches are not picky eaters and will readily eat most kinds of sinking foods. They haven't tried to eat any of my plants yet. While they are in fact opportunistic creatures, there’s no doubt that they wouldn’t consume snails if possible. Overfeeding or underfeeding any fish is never a good thing. They did nothing about MTS. Thanks....I'll look into that one of these days. Yes they will,, if you crack the snails shell.. otherwise they cannot. If it gets out of hand I guess I'll buy a couple of Yo Yos. I will look into the zebra loaches as a possible addition that would appropriate for this size tank. Mostly there were pond snails in these tanks (much softer shells). This means they can be invasive and must never be released into the wild. As an extra note I don't think the loaches are starving either, they get 8-10 pea sized shrimp-pellets per night for 11 loaches along with a daily algae wafer part and additionally every third night they get a little algae wafer in their nightfeed too. Will they harrass apple snails? I have black kulhi loaches i purchased for that purpose incase snails ever show up. I tried assassin snails ended up with another snail takeover! Does Kuhli loach eat snails? These fish are at their best when kept together in a group of 6. Aug 24, 2010 #5. Aug 24, 2010 #5. lauraf; Aug 24, 2010 ; I have zebra snails, and my yoyo (Pakistani) loaches don't … If kept alone, they will be very shy and will hide most of the time. My black loaches (same family as kuhli's) did not eat baby snails. i've got 3 magic words to solve your or anybody's snail dilemma... dwarf chain loach. How often do mystery snails lay eggs? I have a used 20 gallon tank that has recently began to be taken over by snails. The Loaches can easily manage to eat baby snails, but my Loaches seemed not to bother the adult snails, so I constantly had new litters of baby snails for the Loaches to dive into. These fish do not grow bigger than 2.5 inches (around 6 cm) and are semi-aggressive in nature. Ecir Tiny Shrimp Posts: 93 Joined: Wed Mar 22, 2006 8:08 pm Location: Nanaimo, BC, Canada. I saw two and scraped them both off. in my old tank, one of my snails laid eggs and my kuhlis didn't even blink at them. thanks! It’s important that your aquarium is suitable to add whatever fish you are going to add. 67% Yes, my Kuhli does. We have learned earlier that Kuhli Loaches are sensitive to change in water conditions or any medication addition to the tank. The biggest have shells 3 cm long and some are quite colourful (yellow with red stripes). Nothing better. Will Khuli loaches eat snails? Does your Kuhli Loach eat snails? they would have overtook my tank big time. She said they only breed in brackish water so they should not be breeding in normal aquarium water. I have kuhli loaches in my 30gal guppy tank. Maybe some Kuhlies can handle baby snails or eggs, but they did not kill the parent snails. Most other loaches will eat them, clown loaches can be particularly devastating to snails. The Dwarf Botia, more popular as Dwarf chain Loach, is one of the best small loaches that would eat snails and snail eggs in smaller fish tanks. No (I heard about something like that, but never seen) 4. I recently introduced 4 Kuhli Loaches and I'm wondering if they will be interested in small snails ( I realize they won't touch the big ones). let me rephrase that. No votes Total votes: 6. PetCo has the assassin snails for $2.99. My Kuhli Loaches are death on snails. Thanks! The egg sac is flat and sticks to the glass with maybe 20 eggs in it. i read on another page a guy uses garden snails as live food for his kuhli loaches . I ordered more assassin snails and the nice "fish girl" got them in on Friday. Plus I don't think all types of loaches eat snails. I've been using them for years (20 or better) to, not just control but eliminate them. Well since then I learned to control the algae by doing weekly water changes so I really don't want the snails in there anymore. The loaches do not eat snails because their mouth patterns do not allow them to bolt their feeds or catch slimy pieces that fall to a tank’s bottom. Kuhli Loaches don't prey on snails to be honest. 33% No (I thought Kuhli loaches don't eat snails) 0. They reproduce at a moderate rate but can also survive out of water for an extended period. The kuhli loaches are a personal favorite and will find a home in my 20 gallon whether they eat snails or not--snail control would be a bonus, but not a requirement. They were very cute and did an amazing job of cleaning up the algae and glass. I have a black kuhli loach, a clow loach, and 2 red tail sharks in my tank.. and within a week i can notice the snail population is falling.. Does your Kuhli Loach eat snails? I have kuhli loaches and they show no interest in my snails. Your Loaches will try to eat them. THey are the only loach I would ever put in with my apple snails. There is also a yellow rabbit snail (I found it on ebay) which I've never tried. It is enough to feed the fish once a day, in the evening. catx . Of course, just like anything else in life, if the fish doesn’t prefer snails, it won’t move towards them even if it “can” eat them. 37 Can Kuhli Loach live with guppies? Relevance. Hope this … They are mostly bottom feeders and partly scavengers. I will explain you each and everything about it. They eat the other snails but then, they too multiple fast. Specifically, do they eat pond snails? Planted Aquarium Fish - Discuss which type of aquarium fish are best suited for the aquatic plant environment you have created. If they get to plague proportions I will add my assassins from another tank in there. Keeping Kuhli Loaches Together. Kuhli loaches do not eat snails. No, they will not. I have 2 adult snails and 8 black kuhli loaches and they don't touch each other, I havn't seen any eggs though. So, you want to get a snail, but you don't want it to turn into 100 snails... Will a GBR pair be annoyed with kuhli loaches? Sometimes kuhli loaches can eat small snails. Thanks everyone! They eat the snails that are smaller than them. What To Feed Kuhli Loaches apple snail for cleaning glass & waste; weather loach, a cory & a family of Yellow Lab cichlids. i eventually tossed the eggs outside to freeze in the snow. They eat other snails and produce more assassin snails. Kuhli loaches are more than happy to eat shrimp and will do so by finding them in the fish tank and attacking when they’re exposed and/or vulnerable. You can try assassin snails also, they work really well! In my 20 gallon I have a couple of juvenile Botia kubotai loaches. I need the snails to breed still. When I say that kuhli loaches eat snails to a certain extent, I mean that it depends on the snails’ size. Michael, i think the khulis are a little too little, i think you should use clown loaches, sir. Most fishes … Top. Last night I noticed two egg "nests" stuck to the side of the glass. Some other loaches like Zebra Loaches would be better for Snail control. Favourite answer. My black loaches (same family as kuhli's) did not eat baby snails. I have 6 kuhlis in QT and my main tank is 65g. It is not necessary to avoid overfeeding, as fish are obese. They even ate all the cyanobacteria / blue green algae off the sand and moss , I have fun watching the snails slime around eating algae. You can try assassin snails also, they work really well! I've heard that gouramis eat snails, though a dwarf gourami would be the only one I can put in there. So far I just have the snails, and I have a pretty good population of reproducing adults. I know a lot of loaches will. Some smaller loaches like the Kuhli loach are too small to eat pest snails and therefore not suitable for our situation. do you think or have you heard of assasins being eaten by kuhli loaches? maybe your kuhlis will go after the baby snails. I got 1 a couple of weeks ago. One of mine lasted about 4 years when I gave it to my chiropractor. and like most loaches; they do best in groups..."ka-ching!". They can get big. They are actually very cool . Finally, don’t keep them with snails. Most will say no!! It's very cute and pretty. now i have a bunch of snails and they … Kuhli Loaches Care. As a side note, kuhli loaches won’t consume algae or aquarium plants and safe to keep in a planted tank. I have Y. sidthemunki s in a 29 gallon. you read and agreed to the. Does anything eat plec poo? They are mostly bottom feeders and partly scavengers. My veilfin / reed tetras (Hyphessobrycon elachys) eat pond snail eggs (I've seen them ripping the eggs off the glass and chewing on them anyway and out of the many batches of eggs laid over the past 3 weeks I've yet to see any new babies). I actually like my pond snails. Yes, Kuhli loaches eat snails. Kuhlies, sids and zebras. When I was … thanks. You can find assassin snails on Aquabid.com or at your local aquarium club meeting. At the moment they're being useful though , By entering this site you declare I have 5 khuli in my 50 gal and no snails. Don't buy them! Jan 1, 2010 2,181 0 0 Vancouver, British Columbia. He's large, so is his mouth & stomach! Just noticed tiny snails in my aquarium, Where have they come from?. Ensure that there are enough … Kuhli loaches will not eat snails. They have them for sale on aquatic arts for a decent price. I'm not sure what kind they are. Now I'm a bit concerned, I don't want an explosion. Will kuhlis wipe them out, eat only a few, leave them alone? Emily Click to expand... DOH .. so much for that. I want to keep kuhli loaches and malaysian trumpet snails in my planted tank. They're brown shelled with a brown body. I hope to pick them up today. Will four kuhlI loaches keep a snail population down? I have 1 male betta and 6 albino cory catfish in that tank. ghost shrimp eat snail eggs well atleast mine do. Where pond snails have an elongated spiral shell, more like a football shape when viewed from the side. I know that loaches eat snails so I conduct a research about snails being with kuhlI loach first before I bought nerite snails and it turns out that it'll be fine since kuhlI loaches are to small to even kill a snail except if its really small. Any experiences/thoughts on the matter? i have a couple in a seperate tank nervous to add them . Be careful not to crush them, it releases all the babies it has inside so now more snails. I'm not even sure they will eat snails, though I imagine snail eggs would be devoured. You could get assassin snails....they will eat other snails. Will Kuhli loaches eat small pest snails? uhg. To avoid a stressful aquarium environment, keep them in a school of five or six at a minimum. I've read that loaches are the best way to get rid of them. In this article, you are going to know a lot about the Kuhli Loach. Right now it's hiding under the gravel (they like sandy substrate better) but when it decides to move about boy is it a quick little snail. lauraf Superstar Fish. Pond snails can be a real pain in the rear but ramshorn snails don't usually get out of control unless you are overfeeding. In most tanks I have Ramshorn, MTS and Pond snails. Breeding & raising Mystery snails (Pomacea diffusa). I'm wondering if either a Clown Loach, or a … I don't think my kuhli loaches eat them, but the Yo Yo's do. 1 (only 1!) Kuhli loaches do not eat snails. The interesting thing about that snail is that it only has 1-2 babies at a time and rarely breeds. I've had very few snails. I bought two mystery snails and soon saw babies.but i have a black khuli loach and realized he was eating the baby snails and even my adult snail! I loved the turbo snails. 2. 38 Can Kuhli Loach live with Goldfish? Your vote has been cast. maybe yours will though. My question is: is there any snail eating species that I can put in my 10 gallon to take care of the snail problem? Not all of the stores have them but most will order you some. Take the egg sacks out when you see them. To tell the difference you need to look at the shell shape. Good luck, hope this helps someone!! I have heard about Yo-you loaches, but I also have heard occassions where they lose the taste for snails. They can be fed multiple times a day, but only the amount they can finish in 2-3 minutes. The kuhli loaches are a personal favorite and will find a home in my 20 gallon whether they eat snails or not--snail control would be a bonus, but not a requirement. Razor blade down any on the glass & clean plants. Update: So I won't have an issue of no more baby snails? Mine have never eaten snails either, but like you said, they're just cool to have in a tank. They eat snails. The last one I bought on purpose was for my salt water tank which I took down about 12 years ago. My tank is newly set up (3 months old) with soil substrate so it had an algae explosion a few weeks after starting it, the snails (hitchhiked in on some plants) saved me from having to clean it up myself and now the tank and plants are spotless. I am just wondering I ... Mystery snails & Cuttlebone... My snails seem to be fine with new shell gro... Do frsh water snails need new shells? . I have another 50 g tank. four kuhlI loaches in a 55 gallon I mean. Lv 7. Also, unlike other members of the loach family, they are not known for eating snails or shrimp. I have a 15 gallon snail tank that I use to breed and grow dozens of species of snails and I like these guys would they eat snails? IME a tank with Kuhlies had some adult Pond snails, but few or no eggs or baby snails. So it is not a difficult task to provide loach with a full-fledged diet in the aquarium. I googled it, and some say they are, others say they aren't. Create a natural home for aquarium fish using aquatic plants. Cholo Anderzon. My weather loach eats them up. Someone on another aquarium forum was asking whether Kuhli loaches would eat cherry shrimp. I heard about something like that, but i also have heard occassions where they lose the for! Kind of like a football shape when viewed from the side of the time to avoid overfeeding as... Like clown loaches can be invasive and must never be released into the zebra loaches would eat shrimp! Enough, especially for some bigger species like clown loaches will kuhli loaches eat snails never be into! Yellow rabbit snail ( i found it on ebay ) which i took down about years. 'M not even sure they will,, if you crack the snails are larger the. Means they can finish in 2-3 minutes sale on aquatic arts for a decent.. The last one i can put in there between Mystery and apple snails be trying out this snail will you... & waste ; weather loach, a cory will kuhli loaches eat snails a family of Lab. Better ) to, not just control but eliminate them post by Kuhli! 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