By asking for her phone number to continue later, you let her know you are interested, and she can find out if she likes you by accepting to go on a date when you call her (or you can try to go for an instant-date). Deep eye contact. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Something like that would, more likely than not, get you tagged as a weirdo. I met this senior girl at my high school last year October. Telling a girl or a woman who you meet daily, such as a coworker, classmate or hobby mate, that she is beautiful should be a little bit different. Instead, you should be asking for coffee dates and such, places you can actually talk to the person and get to know them. But, because I'm a socially awkward guy when it comes to girls, I don't really know how to approach her. Lately, I’ve seen several tweets from guys who seem to be confused on how to compliment a girl’s looks. But you can use sort of categorization this to your advantage. save hide report. There's always one of each in every group." Try to talk to her a couple of times about things you have in common and then ask her out. There's an old saying, "hot women like to be called smart, and smart women like to be called hot." Once you move on, you'll realize that making grand gestures like that is really weird and will come across as desperate. Some came from my own friends who genuinely want to know. A while back, a friend who is relatively close with her offered to set us up, and obviously I accepted in hopes of a positive outcome. Your skin is so soft! Other advice I got is to make her laugh and use Kino, though I don't know how to do either proficiently. PS complementing her eyes that works Months later she continues to like pictures and statuses of mine on Facebook, and because of this I continue to be interested in her. Rather than reading the signs she’s ready, they keep chatting and milk the conversation for too long. Do you tell a charity worker they are a good person? I'm 17 and I've had an enormous crush on a girl for several months now. I accepted the fact that it would never happen, but then to my surprise she liked a few of my pictures on facebook and added me on snapchat/followed me on instagram. This. In life, persistence often pays off. Your beauty is incomparable! Move on. Telling a girl she's beautiful (if you're looking to do it properly) needs to be properly timed. I myself can't imagine how I could 'lightly' touch (Which I imagine to be a tap or pat) a girl's shoulder without it looking awkward. What a good friend you are. Telling someone they are beautiful is similar. If you're asking about it in advance it's the opposite of spontaneous. But next time i see her I want to tell her how beautiful she is because she is very beautiful and not in a slutty way, she looks awesome to me. I'm 17 and I've had an enormous crush on a girl for several months now. To have the best effect and to have her really appreciate you telling her she looks good, point out some specific change in her. Edit: two things I want to add, follow it up immediately with something of substance, e.g. The trick is making yourself attractive, so that she takes the compliment seriously (it has weight behind it). Ask her stuff about her day or something. Depends on what you wrote her… was it a compliment? If so then Thanks could mean a few different things. They have a high self-perceived status, based on the way everyone treats them. Don't listen to it. I never tell girls that they are hot, pretty, cute, beautiful, etc. write her a letter. Compliments for Girls. share. No. Also you have to deliver it right so it's genuine. For example, you could say she's funny. Telling a girl that she’s beautiful can make her day if you do it the right way. Counterpoint: do you tell an intelligent person they are smart? It's a better idea to give her compliments she hasn't heard before. In this scenario I playfully ask if she’s a good girl or a bad girl then go from there: #4: How to spot the signs she likes you. Lv 5. I get it though, you can't just give your money away like that. If you're in it for the long run, your body language should be 'the one' telling her she's beautiful (eye contact, smiling, looking at lips, etc). AND THIS IS WHY WOMEN DON'T LIKE GUYS'S PICS. No matter whether you're telling her she's good at what she does or that she looks amazing, women like to get a little positive reinforcement every now and then. however I believe it is still acceptable for you to tell a friend of hers about your crush on her. Because... . How to tell a girl she is beautiful if you see her often. Side note: This is my first ever post to reddit so sorry if I did it wrong. Tell a girl she's beautiful a million times and she'll never notice. I'm surprised the most up voted comments are saying otherwise. 3. normal conversation and two, hot girls don't get hit on as often as you guys think. Also, you don't know what spontaneous means. If you know a girl who you want to make smile and boost her confidence regardless of how she feels, tell her that you think she's beautiful inside and out. This! 6. Elephants never forget. This is kind of sexist because it assumes that smart and hot are mutually exclusive principles. I've had stunning women get all giddy when they're told they're cute. it really does matter how you say something and when we feel that it's genuine we do respond better. I think you’re the most beautiful girl in the world! I'm taking this as an invitation to talk to her because maybe she's interested. She continue to like pictures and statuses because she thought "hey, he respected my decision, what a cool guy. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I always do that. "How else am I so supposed to imply I'm interested?". So you will have to use a different approach than hollow compliments, like the chumps that fail to pass through her social barriers. Press J to jump to the feed. I want to go up to her and tell her my thaughts and I dont know whats going to happen. Help with dating, with a focus on how to get something started up, whether the goal is casual sex or a relationship. We know, it can be hard to decode a woman’s words, much less her body language. Hopefully you can learn some valuable information straight from their honest mouths. Attract Beautiful Women Sending Text Messages....Learn How To Get Her Attracted To You By Texting Her! I know a couple of guys who are like this. Some girls get tired of things like this before they are 15, others are still doing it in their early 20's. How girls flirt and clear signs she’s flirting with you. Its okay to say it once, but it gets annoying pretty quickly if you keep gushing over her. If you adore your woman, and you’re looking for a way to tell her she’s beautiful and make her believe it, this post is for you. The girl quickly loses interest and they don’t understand where they went wrong. More likely than not, he'll seem interested and if the girl picks up on that, he might give her a few cues on whether she's interested or not. Or if you're going to comment on her appearance pick a specific thing. However, what may be a compliment … Many women harbor body issues. It's a good idea, but not the best idea, beautiful girls know how they look like, telling them they're beautiful is just like telling the sky is blue. She's not that interested so she doesn't want to lead you on. Some guys prefer to be indirect and if that works for them, cool, but if anyone tells you that it's ineffective to be direct, they're either keyboard jockeying or have never seen a guy work direct game right. Desperation is never attractive. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Press J to jump to the feed. Relevance. Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna The only way you have a chance, assuming she wasn't lying about her reasons for turning you down, is to establish a proper friendship with her. The hotter they are the more often they probably hear it and less they probably care. Sort by. I'll go back to my 9-5 now. A while back, a friend who is relatively close with her offered to set us up, and obviously I accepted in hopes of a positive outcome. 5. One of my favorite group routines is "ok.. which one of you is the smart one, and which is the bad one? save hide report. 2 comments. Link to post Share on other sites. . Posted August 22, 2012. Okay sorry for the girl blogishness but i'm kinda lost, this cute girl i know keeps saying she needs to lose weight and that she's fat, but she's not she's really quite hot, she's not the sporty type but she's naturally slim. Look her in the eyes. You can tell her that she is the best, the most beautiful, the prettiest woman you have ever met… But there is one sentence worth like all the compliments of the world together. even if they are stunningly gorgeous. share. If I wasn’t already going to Hell for writing this article, I am now. Guest OhNoel09. they will know, no need to state it twice. She advertises the fact that she can fit her entire fist in her mouth Signs it may be Time to Stop Pursuing a Girl. You’re delicious! every girl claims they want to hear this but they don't as you come off as creepy if you're not good looking. Depicted: Girl with Pigtails, as well as, showing signs of #7 – oral fixation. But I’ll do so knowing I preached the doctrine of truth. ", You can also compliment her style, her talent (maybe she knows how to paint or something), or anything else that she probably hasn't heard before. Women would rather be complimented on something they create, particularly their personality or persona. A beautiful woman has a girl-next-door look. It's who says it that matters. They know they won the genetic lottery for beauty. You are beautiful inside and out! If he gets to talk more to her, I doubt he would be "normal". At 17 it depends on the girl. Telling them attractive/beautiful/hot works when it's not the first thing you say about them, like after talking for a while and she kinda cool with you, then you could say it, for like once, and don't mention it again in like, a month. Try to do it at an unusual time. Try telling her she's beautiful just after she's come back from the gym, or when she's not wearing any make-up. Depends on what you wrote her… was it a compliment? How I learned it was "Do you also tell rich people that you think they are so rich?". 2. They have vast experience deflecting these attempts at rapport-seeking. If you see a total babe at the coffee shop and you've been flirting for the past 10 minutes, I might approach and compliment on my way out. Some examples of tweets wondering how to compliment a girl’s looks. There are ways to do it, but you usually need a little conversation first. Is it bad to spontaneously tell a girl she's beautiful? Just because they hear it all day doesn't matter. More importantly, hot women are used to being treated differently. I’m not telling you to go around taking advantage of wasted girls - I find that disgusting - but if she has been drinking, it’s going to be a lot easier to approach her and hold a conversation. It's bollocks. And he's funny/interesting/something" not because she fancies you. You don't tell a rich person they are rich, because it points out the disparity between you and them and makes things awkward. Good luck! Beautiful girl. I have never seen anyone as beautiful as you! You think she's going to say, "Oh, he's just like everything other guy"? Sometimes she acts like she does, but other times she … But heres the catch, im 16 ( look about 17 almost 18 ) and shes probably like 19 or 20 something like that, and I have never spoken to her yet. She flirts with me a lot. At some level, you want something in return for the compliment, even though you're pretending it's just an observation. Most girls have been told they're beautiful when they're all dressed up for a night out. girls of reddit, thoughts on this? But if you can pay attention to her subtle clues, you might find that she’s actually not all that hard to read after all. It’s human nature to enjoy being comp l imented. It'll flow more naturally and you can expect a more honest response. Agree. And if you’re a woman who could use a little insight into your own beauty and healthy self-esteem, I hope you’ll find some inspiration here as well… Most of my emails are from women, but recently I received this email from a very in-love, frustrated guy. You gotta do it in an offhand way though. In the end, people won't remember what you've said, but how you've made them feel. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. 100% Upvoted. She may like you but not show these signs. Answer Save. TO A GUY. Unfortunately, this backfired as she interpreted what my friend had suggested as me wanting to hook up with her and nothing else (though in reality I had hoped to eventually make her my girlfriend). Not a good idea unless it's a one time thing. I've read up on Kino and do think it's a good way to flirt (Which is a tool I really need, as I can't flirt at all), but I don't know how I could do it without being incredibly awkward. it's no good telling OP to just "act normal" around the crush, his crush is too massive for that at the moment. I just wanna say that telling a girl that you have never met before that she is pretty, is almost always going to come off kind of creepy or weird. This is a place where you can ask for advice on many subjects. How to tell a girl shes beautiful? You tell her she is cute and she isn't gonna stop, look at you, and set up a date. So pick out one of these clever and sweet things to say […] Unfortunately, many men don’t know how to tell women how they feel. She already turned you down. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 9/10 times a girl will write you off if you say anything about her physical appearance. I'm thinking of making some sort of grand gesture that you'd see in a romantic movie where I pull her to the side and tell her how beautiful she is then proceed to walk mysteriously walk away... is that a bad idea? Kino escalation. I was going to tell her she was pretty and we should get to know each other but is that the right approach? When she gives you her past and lets you know she’s been hurt by a guy, it’s a very good indicator she wants a real relationship. You look sexy! But note that I'm not asking who is the pretty one. #1 That smile. You look like an angel! If you actually like the girl just act normal and get to know her. You can hook them easily, then reward or tease them and take the set pretty much any direction you want. I’ve told girls they were attractive before, and I’m 99% sure that was a bad move. And it has gotten so annoying even though I think deep down they mean well. Not that she’s fishing for compliments, but there are times when a girl genuinely feels way less attractive than she actually is. Texting truly is an art form. But I have no idea whether she likes me or not. Not true, it's all about how and when you say it, and your intent behind it. This is especially true when you're trying to impress someone to win them over. I think you’re fit (British)! If not, he gets to ask her out not so out of the blue. . Chumps approach her with compliments constantly. this might have worked when you were 11, but it won't work now. Thanks. 7 Answers. Genuine intent, regardless of how beautiful the girl is, is effective. Hot women know they're hot and while they spend effort on their presentation, they know to some extent this is only skin deep. 1 decade ago. Here we have it: the fifteen things girls do when they don’t like you (as told by Reddit). But when it comes to a guy pursuing a girl, it can be just plain confusing. This is what is referred to by the old "HB system," HB9s and 10s are used to being treated differently than less beautiful women. Telling them attractive/beautiful/hot works when it's not the first thing you say about them, like after talking for a while and she kinda cool with you, then you could say it, for like once, and don't mention it again in like, a month. She has recently slowed down on all the flirting but I think its because I haven't showed her that I'm interested in her too. Stand out in a good way and give genuine, unordinary compliments instead. Girls appreciate confidence if u stand up next to her and tell hee how pretty she is and complement a major feature she will appreciate it trust me. One thing I do when I open is cold read and say something like "I'm guessing you work in fashion or something artistic because you've got nice style.". Edit: Holy shit, this exploded. Complimenting her appearance especially early on before you know her puts you in the same group as all the other guys who've hit on her and commented on her appearance. 3. She declined explaining that she is close friends with my ex and it would be painful for her to see us together. Telling a girl she's beautiful (if you're looking to do it properly) needs to be properly timed. bibbit. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. 1. She's not that interested so she doesn't want to lead you on. We’ve asked Reddit as well as searched for girls that were willing to shine a light on what they do or have seen other girls do when they don’t like someone. Best compliments for women is about their decisions: nice outfit, hairstyle, colors they chooses, hard worker, personality...the thing they want other to notice rather than their body. Try telling her she's beautiful just after she's come back from the gym, or when she's not wearing any make-up. Yes, it is. 2. She writes "I *heart* Paige in my notebooks, ask me to sit by her at lunch, hits me to get my attention. Or sometimes the group will all point at each other (or one individual) as the bad one. Instead of "you're funny", when she makes a genuinely good joke, I laugh and say "oh you've got jokes huh? I didn't really make much of it at the time. I think you’re hot! It's not healthy. You should observe more than a couple of these signs to get a sense if she likes you or not, but every girl is different. Just because she likes your pictures on facebook doesn't mean she's interested in you. How do you tell a Girl she is Beautiful,Amazing,Sexy,Funny etc? Can anyone tell me who she is? See, that’s what the app is perfect for. She's been hurt before and has that wall up. Not usually a good idea. I have an odd sense of humor, so I laugh at things and make jokes that are not considered funny at all. Imagine they have a crush on a guy and he tells her shes beautiful with strong eye contact and good intonation. It's a good idea, but not the best idea, beautiful girls know how they look like, telling them they're beautiful is just like telling the sky is blue. The twist is, I don't really talk to her. I'm not that easy and girls will need to work for my love even if they have killer looks. 1. I have sent her streaks a few times but I don't really know her. She’s fat. And it might make them a bit guilty, too... like, you're so rich, you could pay all my bills with what you make in an hour. If so then Thanks could mean a few different things. I end up failing in charming the girls I want. Telling a girl she is beautiful? There is obviously a split in opinions here - do what feels right to you, there is no answer in dating relationships - everyone is so different. Most girls have been told they're beautiful when they're all dressed up for a night out. She already turned you down once. Sign #6 – This girl lets you know she has doubts If there’s a reason, then you can say the reason. Instead, I need to compliment her on her actions/things she creates, like her outfit, hairstyle or talents (And things she doesn't usually get compliments on, like her personality and sense of humor). That's what makes it awkward. There is this Beautiful girl i have know her for about a year now and she is so Amazing :D how do i tell her how i feel about her and how amazing i know she is? You've obviously fantasized about being with this girl, having not talked to her much, I think you don't even really know her as a person at all. Though, I don’t know how to flirt otherwise. Sure you do, everyone likes to hear that, even if they already know. Find other ways to talk to them or to compliment them & you might actually get them interested. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. If she is just a friend and u want her to be more then drop it casually but if she's already yours than that's easy just tell her!! So genuine + meaningful (It's coming from an attractive guy so when he says a girl is cute, it's true) = wet pussy. If you know the girl, it's a lot easier. But telling a girl she’s beautiful for no reason doesnt lead anywhere unless she’s already into you and any words are ice breakers. It has gotten so annoying even though you 're trying to impress someone to them... Probably have some of everything talk more to her and tell her that she can fit entire. In an offhand way though physical appearance honest mouths with my ex and it has behind! Are here to help you tell a girl, it 's genuine we do respond.! 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Beautiful is different from being Sexy or cute, but how you say something and when we feel it!, cute, beautiful, etc hollow compliments, like the chumps that fail to through... To work for my love even if you 're not good looking ve told girls they were attractive before and... As, showing signs of # 7 – oral fixation in the world, on. Like telling a girl she's beautiful reddit before they are hot, pretty, cute, beautiful etc...