Gorgeous...I have blue eyes, but I always wanted to have brown eyes when I was younger. This compliment is one of my favorites and was spoken to me long ago by a dear friend who holds my heart. Archived. However, for each method, you may have to pay the price. Girl, you have brown eyes do you know, he replied, I can't wear brown eye makeup because I feel like my eyes end up competing and trying to stand out against the brown eye makeup also I feel like brown eye makeup matches my eye color too much. 0 | 0. thewanderingme. Cute compliments for him 91. (You can’t even imagine what a mood killer that can be!) OOOOKAAYY, if you say so. You are mine, girl with brown eyes. I live in a country where brown eyes are very rare and sometimes I'm the only person in a crowded room who has brown eyes!! Brown is the color of the sun's kisses." three years ago i met a man in a temple of centuries-faded gods, Hot_Peppers. 1. what are some eyeshadow colors that compliment brown eyes? Your brown eyes are like the deep intoxication of campaign wine, bubbling with hazing richness and expensive taste. To be honest i'm not sure what my eye color is. The 4 Best Hair Colors For Brown Eyes A Visual Guide girl with brown eyes. as if stainless steel words i got dark brown hair and kind of dark red'ish as the sun goes on it....and i got like hazel eyes,,what colour hair would compliment brown hazely eyes? You are nothing less than special. (For woman with brown eyes): I think God took a brown topaz gem … I think your description of the brown eyes are quite unique and brings it to a whole new level of understanding one’s deepness.It’s pure and beautiful. A piece of advice for this particular compliment: make sure you get the eye color correct. 2. That's over the course of almost 19 years of life, and 3 compliments. See the best hair colors for brown eyes >> Best clothing colors for brown eyes. Why don't you just say ' I love your smile' 'I love your eyes' Depends on how his eyes are too you can specify more. I'm drawing a blank on writing about them though. he looked up, understanding that i came from a country You are lovely. 1. where blue is normal but (to be) color(ed) is hated, where like so many would have them be. Favourite answer. Second, can be creepy. Be proud of your eyes! The adjectives I usually associate to brown eyes are: intense, deep, intelligent, etc. You can change your choices at any time by visiting Your Privacy Controls. I am once again reminded the reason we say earth is my home? Responder Guardar. Relevance ~*Red Head*~ 1 decade ago. Hi everyone!My prom is comming up !im wearing black.what eyeshadow look would go well with the outfit and compliment my eyes !? Wow! Relevance. I wish. IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in the dark, and bowing under the sacred trees i asked what For me, it's the only feature I have that I wouldn't change a bit and am 100% confident on :) Compliments like these (as long as they are true!) I have dark brown eyes (that almost look black), dark brown hair and fair skin. You can get this almay set for brown eyes and it works really well. 3. What clothes colors compliment light brown eyes? Du kan lese mer om hvordan vi bruker informasjonen din, i retningslinjene for personvern og retningslinjene for informasjonskapsler. But if you have green, or blue (like me), or purple, or some other unusual or pretty color, then odds are, it's a genuine compliment. Because... want to know how to get a girlfriend? Guru +1 y. as sweet as brown sugar. this is what makes the forest full of life, These are just a few ways for you to compliment the females who are in your life. It's not only girls who love to receive compliments, guys love them too. And if you’re complimenting him in on his eyes, get the color right. You dark brown eyes will have honey – color and it even changes brighter if you continue to follow this method. This is so helpful! While giving a compliment to a guy, make sure that you do not overdo it. 4 respuestas. But they're just like women, they like it, the words you use don't matter that much, they'll still appreciate it. Now that's a win-win situation. If you absolutely cannot resist don’t tell her she has beautiful eyes. With the fire of your eyes you can burn a field, and with the fire of your hands you set fire to … slowly sinking through It is advisable to ask your doctor about your own method before you conduct it. I'm always looking at girls with dark chocolate eyes and coffee coloured hair. the universe is uncomprehendingly I'm not someone who actually gives compliments to dudes usually. Answer Save. I'm currently writing a detailed story with two main characters, and the girl has icy blue eyes and the guy had dark brown ones. The 4 best hair colors for brown eyes the 4 best hair colors for brown eyes hair color for your brown eyes the 4 best hair colors for brown eyes. We apologize. I have something about how they're like the life giving earth, but I'm not sure what to think about that. June 5, 2019 colorpaints Leave a comment. i have lots of eyeshadow colors to chosose from, so go ahead and suggest anything. 0 | 1. It was so much easier to write flattering, descriptive lines for the girl's, but these are SUPER inspiring! I just get lost in them. There are many compliments that you can give to a guy which are sincere and highly effective. Like I really like the color etc. Compliments your eyes: eye compliments If your eyes only saw the fire of this planet, it would be difficult for you to notice me until the ash burns and black smudges you. It implies that you are adored, loved and admired. 4. as breathtaking as the mountains of Colorado. It costs nothing to be nice, and compliments are nice to give and even better to receive. 1 Shining in the Sunlight. Practice talking to them in the mirror. How to compliment a girl with brown eyes? I'm writing a poem for a girl I just started dating. I would REALLY appreciate it! And if your dark eyes are made even darker by black specks, choose natural and Earth tones to complement their color. I don't want to change anything. She has brown eyes. make me believe we're You are pretty, Relevance. To enable Verizon Media and our partners to process your personal data select 'Godtatt', or select 'Administrer innstillinger' for more information and to manage your choices, including objecting to partners processing your personal data for their own legitimate interests. I absolutely love this piece! It all starts with a compliment. During my childhood comparations were being made. I want everything to coordinate and look fabulous !! So my tip for today is to give better compliments. captivating, pulling me in your wake. this is why. welll i have brown eyes and a lot of guys always tells me that my eyes look amazing. According to statistics, people with brown eyes are seen as self confident, driven, gentle, loyal, and trustworthy. It’s sure that he really blushes to hear these cute words from you. 7. So here are three: 1. Any ideas ? 1. 0 0. pretty as _____ (choose your favorite brown gemstones). Deliver with sincerity and without an ulterior motive. I'm having trouble finding makeup that compliments dark brown eyes. that everyone else has vanished Empty flattery will get you nowhere. if the oceans were safer than the land? no souls around to hear us, I'm still a teen nonetheless but your poem makes justice for us brown eyes. Experiment with DeviantArt’s own digital drawing tools. but when I am with you invisible and loose, Instead of talking about how beautiful or cute she is, tell her about the type of emotions her eyes exude, for example: If she has these bold brown eyes tell her “your eyes are intense.” opaque to cover to want of another" change to ", with coaxing an indulgence." Purples are the best for brown eyes. You are tender, Point out how her eyes shine in the sunlight or point out the dark ring around her irises that make the brown pop. that I could stare into all day. Female celebrities with brown eyes are all talented. even though there are massive patchwork sky. Pencil can be smudged softly, or add depth under an eye shadow for a muted look, or used alone for strongly defined eyes.Makeup Tips For Brown Eyes Brown eyes come… 5. I have chocolate brown eyes. In my life, I have gotten maybe 3 compliments on my brown eyes. well i have dark brown eyes,medium skin tone, dark brown hair.plz reply! I mean, if you have brown eyes that look like everyone else's, then it's possible. how insignificant. Vi og partnerne våre lagrer og/eller får tilgang til informasjon på enheten din gjennom bruk av informasjonskapsler og lignende teknologier for å vise annonser og innhold som er persontilpasset, for måling av annonser og innhold, for å få publikumsinnsikt og for produktutvikling. Celebrities With Brown Eyes. informasjon om enheten din og Internett-tilkoblingen, blant annet IP-adressen, surfe- og søkeaktivitet ved bruk av Verizon Medias nettsteder og apper. I wouldn't have them any other color. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. nights like tonight Create lip focus with a red or berry stain. Compliments for Brown Eyes. Let him know his eyes really suit his personality. god's hourglass, Good Luck! unstoppable. 13 Answers. Gorgeous works really nicely. quietly drifting This girl (me) who has golden brown eyes is in love with this piece. Close. grailmaiden_fmw. If your brown eyes have green flecks, then shades of purples and reds will help make them pop. Your brown eyes are like the color of mahogany wood- comforting and home-steady toughness that lets me know you will be the beams of supporting me. Perhaps you mean ", symbol the chestnut horse's gate" should be ", unquestionable at" would be better expressed as ". Upload your creations for people to see, favourite and share. yummy as caramel, butterscotch, or toffee. Many men will admit that the most beautiful thing about a woman is her smile. 92. I have been known to give just that compliment (and rarely sound like a weirdo). If the guy is your best friend or more than a friend, then this compliment fits best. it's in my blood to romanticize danger, and yet Well, when the sun kisses your skin it turns more brown, doesn't it? and can u please name some makeup brands that has good color pay off( drugstore please) Actualizar: and i want to go for a natural look (im 13 almost 14) Responder Guardar. She has beautiful GORGEOUS green eyes too, so I want to give her a compliment for once. You don't have to talk about the color to compliment brown eyes. Mine are really dark and I've gotten a compliment that they look like the night sky. Even though he has the other color eyes, you can appreciate him for the same as well. Relevancia. are there any fun, bright colors that compliment brown eyes? we are two grains of sand 8. Answer Save. Anonymous. Just had to read this as soon as I saw the title. 0 | 1. many different eyeshadow colors compliment different colored eyes, but what color compliments dark brown eyes? will resonate with someone, because they see that you are someone who notices the small actions they do everyday. In society, however, they are not depicted as beautiful. You aren't like the rest, (For woman with green eyes): I think God took the pigment out of a leaf and put it in your eyes. Out of curiosity though, would you mind if a pulled a few from here as direct quotes so long as I credited you for them? First, it is unoriginal. girl with brown eyes. Answer Save. Yahoo er en del av Verizon Media. something simple like that is just as meaningful as some of the common compliments for girls with blue eyes. To kick it up a notch for night, line your eyes with blue liner and experiment with a plum mascara. i'm not afraid to watch the curve of your eyelashes when you laugh. Favourite answer. You do not need makeup. Having a good cache of best compliments for girls is important, why you ask? Those spell-binding brown eyes, Compliment your brown eyes with pale pinks, or accent the brown with gold and deep rusts. Your eyes remind me of Dove chocolate, smooth, creamy, delectable, and melting. If you liked a girl who has brown eyes, what would you say about them to compliment her? I'm also a common brown eyed guy haha. Don’t pay him a compliment just to get something from him or to soften him up for a big ask. safety exists here. What makeup colors compliment brown eyes? Make it specific. I'm taking this girl to a theme park and I've been friends with her for a long time and we both are starting to like each other for sure..and I'm always teasing her and I don't think I've ever gave her one compliment. Because I'm sick of people saying there aren't any. we speak in whispers My girlfriend has brown eyes so thank you for this. Thanks :) Third, you just gave up any leveage you had in her wanting to impress you or catch your attention. supporting me" (i.e. large, Update: This is for my brother he's trying to enhance his appearance. 0 | 0. Compliment her eyes on the emotions they exude. Respuesta favorita. You are adorable. You might be feeling a bit nervous about approaching them with this compliment or even scared of what their reaction will be. What Hair Colors Compliment Brown Eyes. I like your brown eyes. Here are 15 wonderful compliments to give or to receive: Advertising. Your analogies and metaphors are spectacular, and as someone who's been writing for more than half their life I have to say I am Very impressed that you came up with so much I'd never thought of myself. I love your (insert color here) eyes. just the thought that you like her eyes is good enough ! Practice giving them this compliment in the mirror. without "of") would make better sense thereby increasing the strength of the metaphor. Gushing how great he looks and then going on and on about it, will make him feel self-conscious and uncomfortable. You are already so naturally beautiful. but we are not alone. Compliments for Brown Eyes. You are gorgeous. the only people alive, Oh, girl with brown eyes, if you have tan skin, you have a warm skin tone as opposed to a cool one. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. Always be specific 9 years ago. 5 respuestas. of how small you and I are, what color compliments brown eyes and tan skin? 5 Answers. Lv 6. hace 6 años. we hold close together Posted by 4 years ago. The way you word things is so traditionally romantic in that it evokes thought and emotion and that's something we don't always find in things like this. These are absolutely amazing! We can’t always be on our A-game. I am just SO SICK of people saying brown eyes are boring and ununique, excuse us, we were born that way. Manage your facial expressions as well and try not to look too stern or agitated. (For woman with blue eyes): I think God took the color out of the ocean and put it in your eyes. No. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. I carry it, you, bronze skin and copper irises, what sends the mountai. They remind me of nature, Favourite answer. I can't stay in the sun for long. and left us beneath this 4. you have an open-minded spirituality. And for that you’re going to need some principles for doing it right. Stick to what he knows is true. Brown eyes can rock just about any hair color out there, so go bold and try something new. survivors of a silent apocalypse. And black hair, instead of brown. i'm tired of picking up an eyeshadow pallete for brown eyes and having it be full of browns and creams! 3. Brown eyes are more than just dark, and you can take advantage of their numerous qualities to make an impacting compliment. could raise their ghosts from the dust. in our own gravity. Great Compliments For Girls. 2 decades ago. You always making me smile! pale is not the sign for sickness but beauty. 6 Answers. But on those days when it just comes together—maybe we nailed the perfect cat eye or woke up to a particularly good hair day—getting beauty compliments out of the blue are basically the best thing ever. Of course, not all compliments are the same. Lol, I have blue eyes but I'm always looking for good analogies when complimenting brown eyes. Flattering someone is an easy, straightforward way to show someone that you're interested in them romantically, and it makes them feel nice too. But my skin just burns red. I'm glad they're not blue, Sell custom creations to people who love your style. I'll take the compliments, though. 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