And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” Ephesians 3:20-21, "Power Unlimited," is section 1 of 4 parts of The Bible Teaching Commentary that shows the awesome power and glory of God that is revealed in the church and Christ Jesus. Paul also highlights the importance of grace (Ephesians … That he would grant you according to the riches of his glory Or according to, and out of that rich, plenteous, and glorious fulness of grace and strength in Christ Jesus. A description of the change in the spiritual position of Gentiles as a result of the work of Christ. I pray that you may know the depth of his love. The whole of chapter 3 is a parenthesis unfolding the mystery; and presenting at the same time, in the prayer that concludes it, the second character of God set before us at the beginning of the epistle, namely, that of Father of our Lord Jesus Christ; and this is the way in which it is here introduced. Chapter 2, His work in quickening others with Him and forming the whole assembly of those who are risen in Christ, taken by grace from among Jews and Gentiles; these are God's thoughts and work. If the law of … Trinity Grace Fellowship Summary of Ephesians 3 and 4 Robert E. Walsh 3 2/14/2007 Working backwards through the list above, let us examine each of these positions. Ephesians 3 opens with the mystery of Christ made known through revelation by the Spirit of God. Ephesians and Colossians Summary The Epistle to the Ephesians. Ephesians 3. Your … He explained it to me, and now He has assigned me to preach to the Gentile world." Only in the latter epistle the whole subject is treated more briefly, and the essential principle and character of the mystery according to its place in the counsels of God is less explained, is viewed only on a special side of it, suited to the purpose of the epistle, that is, Christ and the Gentiles. This was information not known in the past (Ephesians 3:4–5). It has none; it is the fulness of God. All Rights Reserved. Spiritual Blessings in Christ - Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. Ephesians 3:3 "How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery; (as I wrote afore in few words," “As I wrote afore in few words” refers to (1:9-10 and 2:11-22), where the author only touched on “the mystery” which God had “made known” to him. [1] This appears to me to be the true word, and not "the fellowship.". The wisdom of God is made known through the church. All Rights Reserved. The passages which describe God’s great plan of salvation reach to the highest places in heaven, and the passages which instruct us on how we are to live godly lives here on earth address in great detail our lives here on earth. Ephesians 3:17-19 “so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. For this cause. Bible Study Questions form the fourth section. 1 Paul, a an apostle of Christ Jesus b by the will of God, To the saints who are in Ephesus, and c are faithful 1 in Christ Jesus: 2 d Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Those living in Christ, he said, should only … The letter to the Ephesians is one of the most encouraging, instructive and inspiring books in the Bible. First, regarding position 4 it seems dubious at best that an epistle written to the Corinthians, specifically dealing with various aspects of moral behavior would likely have a summary of the mystery, to which Paul is referring. The whole of the section 1:3–23 consists in the original Greek of just two lengthy and complex sentences (1:3–14, 15–23). The first section (Ephesians 1:3–14) begins with a word of blessing to God, beginning a long sentence in the original Greek which continues for several verses. They are the incomprehensible riches of a Christ in whom God reveals Himself, and in whom all God's thoughts are accomplished and displayed. Ephesians Chapter T hree Commentary by Ron Beckham. Conclusion and blessing - Ephesians 6:21-24. Here's his message: God is great. (12) This verse returns to the idea of Ephesians 2:18, as though St. Paul, after the wide sweep of thought far beyond the earth in Ephesians 3:10-11, desired, as usual, to bring his readers back to the practical and personal aspects of their Christianity.. "In the first prayer [ Ephesians 1:15-23], the emphasis is on enlightenment; but in this prayer, the emphasis is on enablement. In the age to come the Gentiles will be blessed; but Israel will be a special and separate people. The mystery set it aside. Paul was a prisoner for having preached the gospel to the Gentiles-a circumstance that brought out his particular ministry very clearly. This was the entirely new part of the ways of God. See Ephesians 3:13 (printed below) Therefore, I ask you not to be discouraged because of my tribulations on your behalf, for they are your glory. 4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; 5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. It is characterized by dignity and serenity which is in harmony with the elevation of its thoughts. a. SIMPLE OUTLINE OF EPHESIANS: Ephesians 1-3: Theological Section (Our position is “In Christ”) Ephesians 4-6: Practical Section (How to live from your position) DETAILED OUTLINE: Our Calling: The Seated Position (1-3) Prologue [Greeting] (1:1-2) Position of Blessings (1:3-14) The Blessing’s Provision (1:3) The Blessings of the Father (1:4-6) The Blessings of the Son (1:7-12) The … Here it will be observed that the prophets are most evidently those of the New Testament, since the communications made to them are put in contrast with the degree of light granted in the previous ages. (1-5) Preface to the revelation of the mystery. "You only have I known of all the families of the earth," had Jehovah said to the Jews in Amos, "therefore will I punish you for your iniquities"; but under the name of Father of Jesus Christ all families-the assembly, angels, Jews, Gentiles, all-range themselves. Observe too here, that the apostle does not now ask that God should act by a power, as it is often expressed, which works for us, but by a power that works in us. This is the individual state which he desired to be realised among the Ephesians. We are filled unto all the fulness of God; and it is in the assembly that He dwells for this purpose. A short summary of this paper. In love he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the … The Prayer in Behalf of Gentile Christians. He asks for spiritual blessings, which are the best blessings. That They May Know the Surpassing Love of Christ. "That Christ," says the apostle, "may dwell in your hearts." [3] He is able to do above all that we can ask or think according to His power that works in us. "THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS" Chapter Three OBJECTIVES IN STUDYING THE CHAPTER 1) To understand the "mystery" so long hidden that is now revealed, and the role of the church 2) To examine Paul's prayer for the Ephesians' enablement, what it means for us today SUMMARY In this chapter Paul reminds his readers of God's grace that has been shown him regarding the … He is overwhelmed with that. God strengthens us according to the riches of that glory which He displays before our wondering eyes as rightly belonging to Christ. The apostle applies it in chapter 4. This indicates that they were very appreciative of all he had done for them … It is very beautiful to see how, after launching us into the infinitude of God's glory, he brings us back to a known centre in Christ-to know the love of Christ, but not to narrow us. Chapter 4. In it He had carefully raised a middle wall of partition. He is a single-minded man. He wrote four letters in prison: Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians and … No one could trace to the end, and in all its development in Him, the accomplishment of the counsels, and the revelation of the nature of God. But he returns thus to the thesis proposed at the end of chapter 2, God dwelling in the assembly by the Spirit, and Christians, whether Jews or Gentiles, united in one. The Book Of Ephesians is a letter from Paul to Christians at Ephesus. He gave the world Jesus and then he handpicked Christians to be his … mla apa chicago. In the most general of terms (1:9-10), identifies this “mystery” as the establishing of a new humanity under the headship of Christ. To the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places, according to the eternal purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness and access with confidence through faith in Him. It is to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ that the apostle now addresses himself; as in chapter 1 it was to the God of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 3:17-19 “so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. [3] This fully distinguishes the prayer of chapter I and this. See Ephesians 3:13 (printed below) Therefore, I ask you not to be discouraged because of my tribulations on your behalf, for they are your glory. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly This is the conclusion of the apostle's prayer, in which the power of God is celebrated, a perfection which is essential unto God, and is very large and extensive; it reaches to all things, to every thing that he wills, which is his actual or ordinative power; and to more things than he has willed, which is his absolute … Eph3: I preach the mystery of Christ. God’s Mysterious Plan Revealed. Most likely, the author is using a metaphor to speak of the wonders of a multi-dimensional God, who is a God of power (Ephesians 1:19), rich in mercy (Ephesians 2:4), lavish in his grace (Ephesians 2:7; 3:7), and rich in wisdom (Ephesians3:10). They had seen creation arise and expand before their eyes; they had seen the government of God, His providence, His judgment; His intervention in lovingkindness on the earth in Christ. 3 For this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for the sake of you Gentiles— 2 Surely you have heard about the administration of God’s grace that was given to me for you, 3 that is, the mystery made known to me by revelation, as I have already written briefly. Ephesians 3:14-19 are also one sentence in the Greek text. The duty of the Jew was to respect this separation; he sinned, if he did not strictly observe it. You may remember him from such New Testament letters as Romans and 1 Corinthians. Ephesians Chapter T hree Commentary by Ron Beckham. He assumes his readers know of his calling to serve them (Ephesians 3:2). But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness. Paul states his mission as an apostle to the Gentiles is to preach the administration of this mystery now revealed. Paul was in chains (6:20), probably in Rome. EXEGESIS: THE CONTEXT: The recipients of this letter were mostly Gentile Christians. I, Paul. (Ephesians 3:13) The Ephesian Christians were very much aware of what the apostle Paul was going through on their behalf, and they were distraught for him. (Eph 3:10-12) The purpose of the mystery. 3. Here the apostle assures us that he had received it by a special revelation, as he had already taught them in words which, though few, were suited to give a clear understanding of his knowledge of the mystery of Christ-a mystery never made known in the past ages, but now revealed by the Spirit to the apostles and prophets. 11-14 use passive verbs to describe indirectly what God has done to or for humankind. I preach the mystery of Christ. 15: Christ is the centre of all the display of divine glory, but He thus dwells in our hearts so as to set them, so to speak, in this centre, and make them look out thence on all the glory displayed. We have seen (chap. Saul, the inveterate enemy of Jesus proclaimed as Messiah, even if by the Holy Ghost from heaven-the worst therefore of all men-becomes by grace Paul, the instrument and witness of that grace to announce these incomprehensible riches to the Gentiles This was his apostolic function with regard to the Gentiles There was another-to enlighten all with regard to this mystery, which, from the beginning of the world, had been hidden in God. This letter is one of Paul’s four Imprisonment Letters. . Paul spent more time there than any other city about three years. I pray that you may know the depth of his love. Paul spent more time there than any other city about three years. Ephesians 3 (in 140 characters or less) I preach the mystery of Christ. That verse is essentially a summary of (2:11-22). "THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS" Chapter Five OBJECTIVES IN STUDYING THE CHAPTER 1) To see the importance of walking in love, light, and wisdom 2) To understand the responsibilities wives and husbands have toward each other 3) To appreciate the high esteem and great love the Lord has for His church SUMMARY Paul continues to exhort Christians to walk in a manner worthy of their calling (cf. It presents Him as the centre of all the ways of God, the Son of the Father, the Heir of all things as the Creator Son, and the centre of the counsels of God. He asks for spiritual blessings, which are the best blessings. To be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; this is the petition which the apostle puts up on his bended knees to the Father of Christ, that he would strengthen these saints, that so … It is not so much a matter of knowing as being-laying our hands on what God has for us and by faith making it a vital part of our lives." Ephesians 3:14-21. Prev | Ephesians | Next. 3. Our part and His. (1) “Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, To the saints who are in Ephesus, and faithful in Christ Jesus:” There can be no doubt about who wrote this book, because it says “Paul, an apostle.” Paul was called by Jesus Christ on the Damascus Road. A bit more specifically. 1. 3-10 name God’s action, while vv. It is as rooted and grounded in love; and thus embracing as the first circle of our affections and thoughts, those who are so to Christ-all the saints the objects of His love: it is as being filled with Him, and ourselves as the centre of all His affections, and thinking His thoughts, that we throw ourselves into the whole extent of God's glory; for it is the glory of Him whom we love. This revelation of the ways of God does not, as the first chapter, present Christ to us as man raised up by God from the dead, in order that we should be raised up also to have part with Him, and that the administration of the counsels of God should thus be accomplished. But dwelling in love we dwell in God and God in us: and that in connection with the display of His glory, as He develops it in all that He has formed around Himself, to exhibit Himself in it, in order that Christ, and Christ in the assembly, His body, should be the centre of it, and the whole the manifestation of Himself in His entire glory. It passes knowledge. Therefore these Gentile believers were not to be discouraged on account of the imprisonment of him who had proclaimed to them this mystery; for it was the proof and the fruit of the glorious position which God had granted them, and of which the Jews were jealous. ”. The verbs in vv. "THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS" Chapter Three OBJECTIVES IN STUDYING THE CHAPTER 1) To understand the "mystery" so long hidden that is now revealed, and the role of the church 2) To examine Paul's prayer for the Ephesians' enablement, what it means for us today SUMMARY In this chapter Paul reminds his readers of God's grace that has been shown him regarding the revelation of the "mystery". It is more properly divine, though familiar to us, than theglory. This is the summary introduction to Ephesians 1-3, and Paul says right from the start that God has blessed us and given to us every spiritual blessing. Ephesians Greeting. In chapter 2 and the first half of chapter 3, Paul talked about the great transformation that God has wrought in their lives, from death to life (2:1-10)—and how Christians are no longer divided into Jew and Gentile, but are now one in Christ Jesus (2:11-22). The first passage (Ephesians 3:1–13) includes Paul mentioning himself by name as a prisoner on behalf of the Gentiles (Ephesians 3:1). It was during this time that Paul sat in Rome undergoing his first Roman imprisonment (Ephesians 3:1; 4:1), making Ephesians … All the ways of God in that which He had arranged for His glory were co-ordained under this name, and were in relation with it; and that which the apostle asked for the saints to whom he addressed himself was, that they should be enabled to apprehend the whole import of those counsels, and the love of Christ which formed the assured centre for their hearts. Verse 1. He is to us the strength which enables us in peace and love to contemplate all that He has done, the wisdom of His ways, and the universal glory of which He is the centre. 3. To have access to God; to be the dwelling-place of God through His presence by the Holy Ghost; to be one body reconciled to God-such is the vocation of Christians. Ephesians 3:3 Parallel Verses [⇓ See commentary ⇓] Ephesians 3:3, NIV: "that is, the mystery made known to me by revelation, as I have already written briefly." He works in us by His Spirit with this object. Ephesians is such an exuberant book that it is hard to believe that it was written by a prisoner ( 3:1, 4:1). Ephesians 1:3-14 is actually one long sentence extolling God’s action. A summary of Ephesians 3 from @biblesummary. Paul ends this chapter with a powerful prayer for … This refers to the glorious work of the cross in making peace and bringing the Gentiles nigh (Eph 2:17). It was written around 60AD during Paul’s house arrest in Rome. End until verse 7 but fornication, and obscene, as risen him... Exhortation he makes use of this letter is one of the coastal area of Asia Minor all. Asia Minor time, Paul 's desire and prayer is that glory may be unto God in grace to! Action, while vv, though familiar to us, and of the work of Christ Gentiles. 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