Genießen Sie die Feiertage! Would you like to learn even more Happy New Year phrases? He is the reason why all of us are full of glee! You might be a little surprised to hear this name — after all, Christmas and pyramids have next to nothing in common. Christmas markets are a longstanding tradition in Germany, and they’re the perfect place to enjoy a mulled wine (Glühwein) or two with your friends. You can use the following festive German greetings for your Christmas cards, emails or even for making a quick call. Translation for 'Merry Christmas!' Clozemaster has been designed to help you learn the language in context by filling in the gaps in authentic sentences. Said rotor is driven by the warm air arising from the tea candles (hello, physics!) English: Translation: Be pure like Mary, obedient like Joseph, and humble like Jesus. Practice writing out and translating full sentences. After the incense cone has been inserted, the Räuchermännchen is re-assembled. In Germany, this translates to "Fröhliche Weihnachten." Ever since moving from Germany to the US, I have noticed that the “American way” of decorating the tree is much more elaborate. No matter how you do it, spread some holiday cheer the way they do. Lilithly "Frohe Weihnacht(en) und einen guten Rutsch!" For kids, there are special advent calendars that contain small pieces of chocolate, which are revealed when opening the flap. 06, 20:05: Hallöchen. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Context sentences for "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!" Here's how to say it: Frohe Weihnachten! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. … You can use the following festive German greetings for your. Click here to start practicing with real German sentences! or. 4K- und HD-Video, sofort in jedem NLE einsatzbereit. Videos jetzt herunterladen! Learn German Numbers in this easy-to-follow online lesson. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Some families even have their own recipes which are handed down from generation to generation. English: You are a present to me. When wishing a person a Merry Christmas (or Happy Holidays, for that matter) you will also notice that a lot of times this is done in connection with wishing someone a Happy New Year, especially when you’re not likely to see the person again between Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Frohe Weihnachten und alles Gute für das neue Jahr! More presents are usually exchanged and there’s lots of rich foods and more Christmas cookies. I hope I could give you a good insight into Christmas in Germany — both regarding some vocabulary as well as German Christmas traditions — to get you into the holiday spirit! With features such as Grammar Challenges, Cloze-Listening, and Cloze-Reading, the app will let you emphasize all the competencies necessary to become fluent in German. And just like the tree is real, the candles on the tree are oftentimes as well (to the horror of many of my American friends due to the possible fire hazard). Lots of examples and tips on counting in German. German nouns are also generally preceded by an article, such as die or der, which means "the" in English. Translations in context of "Merry Christmas" in English-German from Reverso Context: merry christmas and a happy. Frohe Weihnachten wünsche ich dir! 07, 00:25: Is the German correct? Letzter Beitrag: 16 Dez. Click here to find out which long German words are Guinness World Record breakers and which one involves this very famous European river! I do not wish for anything more! … — Merry Christmas and all the best for the new year! Cookies help us deliver our services. in the free English-German dictionary and many other German translations. Jesus wurde geboren und herrscht in unseren Herzen. - Fröhliche Weihnachten allerseits! — Merry Christmas and all the best for the new year! Business German phrases for use in emails and letters as well as for presentations, meetings and phone calls. 메리 크리스마스 (meri keuriseumaseu) This is the most common phrase used to wish somebody a merry Christmas in Korean. Christmas pyramids, or Weihnachtspyramiden, are another traditional staple in German households when it comes to Christmas decoration. Er ist der Grund warum wir alle voller Freude sind! You might find my section on congratulations in German interesting. Just like the two ornaments mentioned before, Christmas pyramids also originate from the Erzgebirge in Eastern Germany. who visits all families on the night of December 5th to December 6th when everyone is asleep. Full Playlist: these German Lessons !!! From Christmas markets to mulled wine: in this part of the article, I’m gonna share a few of my favorites! Ugly Merry Christmas in German Frohe Weihnachten Langarmshirt Feiern Sie diese Winterferienzeit mit Familie und Freunden, die zweisprachig oder deutschsprachig sind, mit diesem lustigen Weihnachtsgeschenk "Frohe Weihnachten", perfekt für Deutsch, Österreicher oder alle anderen deutschsprachigen Länder. (That is, if you were a good kid that year. Baking Christmas cookies is a favorite holiday activity for some people, especially those with smaller children. While Santa doesn’t play much of a role in the actual Christmas celebration on the 24th of December, he—or more precisely, somewhat more of his equivalent—plays an important role on December 6th, the so-called Nikolaustag (St. Nicholas Day). Christmas Greetings in German (Die WeihnachtsgrüÃe). (Personally, I have never tried the latter.). It’s usually sold at Christmas markets or in supermarkets, and often heart- or star-shaped and filled with sweet jam. Take your German to the next level. Have fun while doing so! Stop by a chat room, send a “tweet,” or drop an e-mail. If you want to keep things a little bit more “neutral”, either because you aren’t sure whether the person is not celebrating a traditional Christmas holiday (or because you know they aren’t), you could also simply opt for: Traditionally, most people are off between December 24th and December 26th, so even if the person you are talking to might not be celebrating Christmas, you can be pretty sure they will have some time off. German Translation. Christmas cookies (or Weihnachtsplätzchen) are a must during the Christmas season! You will also learn how to wish someone a Happy New Year in German. English I would thank you all and wish you a really merry Christmas and a happy New Year. While traditionally Glühwein is made out of red wine, there’s also a version made out of white wine. I sent a message to my uncle in Germany, and he told me that Merry Christmas in German is “Frohe Weihnachten”. Christmas angels (Weihnachtsengel) are a staple when it comes to the Christmas decoration in many German households. 7. Merry Christmas - Translation into German - examples English | Reverso Context. Try Clozemaster – over 50 languages and thousands of sentences to help you take your language learning to the next level. Christmas Day is a public holiday in many of the world’s nations, celebrated annually on 25th December every Year. — Joyous Christmas! in German. Another favorite at German Christmas markets is the so-called Feuerzangenbowle (fire tong punch). Merry … Merry Christmas in Italian: Buon Natale. is not responsible for their content. Jetzt Merry Christmas? December 25th in Germany is also known as “Erster Weihnachtstag” (first Christmas Day). They're perfect for use in a greeting card or even when making a telephone call. It directly translates to the original phrase. Most of the time, they are made out of real glass and come in all sizes and shapes — popular are not only traditional Christmas motives, but also things that technically don’t have anything to do with Christmas. is not responsible for their content. As you can see, it is basically just the English phrase ‘Merry Christmas’ written using the Korean alphabet. Frohe Weihnachten! Weihnachtsengel have a longstanding tradition and oftentimes families don’t have just one or two, but an entire “parade” that is put up every year during the holidays. (colloquial) Many translated example sentences containing "merry Christmas" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations. The proper pronunciation of … 9- Enjoy the holidays! Compared to this, the German approach is almost minimalistic. more_vert. I've found it to be quite enjoyable. merry go round - Reitplatz: Last post 26 Nov 07, 20:12: Wenn ich merry-go-round höre, habe ich Jahrmarktmusik im Ohr und sehe ein Karussell vor mir.… 8 Replies: Merry merry and happy happy: Last post 18 Dec 08, 14:37: Dieser Ausdruck läuft mir in der letzten Zeit verstärkt über den Weg: Anstelle von Merry Chr… 8 Replies: Merry Christmas Learn the translation for ‘Merry Christmas!’ in LEO’s English ⇔ German dictionary. — Merry Christmas and lots of luck for the new year! FRAW-eh VIJN-nah-kht-ehn: Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas Quotes in Hindi : Happy Christmas 2020 Images, Quotes, Messages, Wishes : Looking for Best Merry Christmas Wishes 2020 for Friends, Family and loved ones, then get them here. Glühwein (mulled wine) is probably the most popular of the two. or in German. November 3, 2014. Traditionally kids (and sometimes adults, depending on the family) leave their shoes out overnight to find sweet treats, mandarin oranges, walnuts and/or small gifts in them on the morning of the 6th. Traditionally, people who haven’t been good are left with a couple of pieces of coal in their shoe as “presents”.). Just like in the US, Christmas trees are a staple in German households during Christmas time. Ich empfehle Ihnen stets zu erforschen, ob es bereits Tests mit diesem Mittel gibt. A lot of times, especially on Christmas cards, you will find the phrase: Gesegnete Weihnachten und ein frohes neues Jahr! By the way, I've partnered up with the Rocket German Learning System in order to best help you learn German easily and effortlessly. There are plenty of German Christmas traditions that aren’t just popular among tourists, but also with the German locals. The first five greetings (with audio clips) are likely to be verbally spoken as well as written in cards and emails:-, Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes neues Jahr -, Fröhliche Weihnachten und einen guten Start ins neue Jahr, Merry Christmas and a good start to the New Year. English I would thank you all and wish you a really merry Christmas and a happy New Year. — Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year! Weihnachten ist der Geburtstag des Erlösers. (literally:...and happy sliding!) Translations in context of "merry christmas to" in English-German from Reverso Context: Merry Christmas to you and your family. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas Lyrics Übersetzung. A beautiful wood sign made of three separate pieces of wood joined together with hand braided color coordinating cord. Ein frohes und gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest! Merry Christmas translation in English-Slovak dictionary. (Merry Christmas) as well as many other German holiday greetings in no time. Also, remember to book mark my German Easter Greetings list as well as my lesson on saying Happy Birthday in German. “Merry Christmas” in German – Holiday Traditions and Greetings. If you are more intent on focusing on the religious and/or contemplative aspect of Christmas and the spirit of the holiday itself, you could say: Ein gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest! Mach dir ein schönes Weihnachtsfest, Lass dein Herz scheinen. Watching this is quite the spectacle and about fifty percent of why I love indulging in a steaming hot mug of Feuerzangenbowle — however, if you are a lightweight like me, you might want to be careful and stick to only one “fire tong punch” since it’s quite strong. Have fun while doing so! Vector. After saying ‘Merry Christmas’ in German, this would be a good phrase with which to wish Christmas holiday-goers well! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Merry christmas in german - Die Favoriten unter der Vielzahl an verglichenenMerry christmas in german! — Merry Christmas! Same goes for December 26th, the “Zweiter Weihnachtstag” (second Christmas Day). Improve your German language skills today with my top tips for learning German. Your email address will not be published. Fröhliche Weihnachten! Letzter Beitrag: 16 Dez. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. The following phrases are more likely to be written than spoken: Ein friedliches Weihnachtsfest und alles Gute für das kommende Jahr wünschen wir Ihnen/Dir/Euch -, (Formal= Ihnen / Informal singular = Dir / Informal plural = Euch), We wish you a peaceful Christmas and all the best for the coming year, Besinnliche Weihnachtsfeiertage und alle guten Wünsche für ein gesundes und erfolgreiches neues Jahr -, We wish you a peaceful Christmas and a healthy and successful new year, Wir wünschen Ihnen/Dir und Ihrer/Deiner Familie ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und ein gutes neues Jahr -, (Formal = Ihnen & Ihrer / Informal singular = Dir & Deiner), We wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Wir bedanken uns für die Zusammenarbeit und wünschen Ihnen/Dir frohe Festtage und ein gutes neues Jahr-, (Formal = Ihnen / Informal singular= Dir), We would like to thank you for your teamwork/co-operation and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Vielen Dank für das schöne Weihnachtsgeschenk -, Many thanks for the lovely Christmas present. … There are a few ways to wish someone a Merry Christmas in German — and just like in many other countries, there is a variety of phrases that might come in handy, particularly when you aren’t sure whether the other person is celebrating Christmas or not. So, study the tables, and you'll be saying Fröhliche Weihnachten! Holen Sie sich ein 18.000 zweites merry christmas in german, frohe Stockvideo mit 25FPS. Merry Christmas in German: Frohe Weihnachten. Feiert schön! Frohe Weihnachten! This darling hand painted sign says Merry Christmas in German and has wooden Gingerbread hearts or additional decorations attached. Merry Christmas everyone! The best thing about Christmas markets though is the atmosphere: usually, they are richly decorated and illuminated with Christmas lights and decoration, and even the booths are decorated as well. — A blessed Christmas celebration! - Fröhliche Weihnachten allerseits! Advent calendars are especially popular with kids, but I know even some adults who love following them simply because they make counting down the days leading up to Christmas Eve so much sweeter. Showing page 1. translation in English - German Reverso dictionary, see also 'merrily',Mercury',mercy',merrymaker', examples, definition, conjugation You can use the following festive German greetings for your Christmas cards, emails or even for making a quick call. Advent calendars are usually sheet calendars to hang on your wall with 24 small flaps, often with Christmas images or winter scenes. More German words for Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas. If you happen to be in Liechtenstein, it will be warmly received there as well. Soon after, you can watch incense smoke coming from the Räuchermännchen’s mouth (hence the name “Little Smoking Man”). In Switzerland, there's a slight variation; there, they say "Fröhlichi Wiehnacht!" This is probably my favorite pre-Christmas tradition observed in Germany: Advent wreaths! Wish someone a Merry Christmas in German with this German Christmas greetings list. The sugar cone is placed over the (usually pretty large mug) of mulled wine, doused in the rum and then gets lit on fire. Translation for 'Merry Christmas!' A merry and contemplative Christmas! This solid wood … Merry Christmas in French: Joyeux Noël. “Clozemaster is THE best app to learn a language after Duolingo.”. Pro tip: head over in the late afternoon or early evening to see everything light up and experience the magic unfolding! — A joyous Christmas celebration! Merry Christmas In Different Languages: German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese And More With Christmas Day finally here, why not impress some of your friends overseas by saying "Merry Christmas" in their native language? Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch! The Germans tend to follow their own rules when it comes to language, and the language has its own rules while we try to pronounce a word in the German language. German Christmas markets offer a variety of things to do and see: they usually have plenty of snack booths where you can get savory and sweet treats as well as alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Frohes Fest! And while in the US presents are bought by Santa, in Germany it is the Christkind (the Christ child) that is responsible for delivering all the gifts. Christmas is the Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, which, in Western Christian Churches, is held annually on 25 December.For centuries, it has been the subject of several reformations, both religious and secular. – kaufen Sie diese Vektorgrafik und finden Sie ähnliche Vektorgrafiken auf Adobe Stock Veselé vianoce, šťastné sviatky, šťastnú chanuku šťastnú kwanzu a veľmi šťastný zimný slnovrat. The Räuchermännchen comes apart in two pieces, usually at its hip, where you insert a lit/burning cone-shaped incense block, the so-called Räucherkerze. If you are sure the person is celebrating Christmas or you’re simply more of a traditionally minded person, you can say: Frohe Weihnachten! How to say merry Christmas in Nigeria – One of the ways of celebrating Christmas in Nigeria is by sharing Christmas messages, SMS and greetings. English: Let Christ be born and reign in your heart. This tongue-twister of a drink is made out of mulled wine, rum (with a high alcohol content) and a sugar cone. Werden unsere Probleme verschwunden sein (mein Lord) Mach dir ein schönes Weihnachtsfest, Gestalte die Weihnachtszeit fröhlich. interjection. 06, 20:05: Hallöchen. On these days, pretty much everyone is traveling (sometimes even cross-country), which means that traffic is usually iffy, especially when snowfall or — more likely — heavy rain or sleet is involved. While you might recognize some of the German Christmas traditions since your part of the world has similar traditions, there are some things Germany does different from the rest of the world when it comes to celebrating this time of the year. Frohe Weihnachten und alles Gute für das neue Jahr! Enough with the opening speech — let’s jump into this post about Christmas in Germany! Your email address will not be published. Mich würd mal interessieren ob und in welchen Fällen man Merry und Happy New Year… 3 Antworten: Have a merry Christmas up north! They are often decorated with lots of glitter, whether they are classic Christmas ornaments or of a more “non-traditional” kind. Check out the The Great Translation Game. Click here to learn how it works and how it can be of value to you. It directly translates to the original phrase. streamen? It's for a Christmas card Thanks: 3 Antworten: Merry Christmas, Happy New Year: Letzter Beitrag: 09 Dez. Here’s how to say “Merry Christmas” in different languages: Download. Can you believe the longest German word contains no less than 80 letters?! Jesus wurde geboren und herrscht in unseren Herzen. Guinness world Record breakers and which one involves this very famous European river or decorations. The tables, and a happy New Year… 3 Antworten: Merry Christmas and pyramids have to! That will be warmly received there as well as my lesson on saying happy Birthday German... Congratulations in German: Merry Christmas in German, this process will allow you to master the language only! Is, if you were a good phrase with which to wish someone a Merry Christmas German! Write about language learning as well as other European countries families on the first Sunday December... Into this post about Christmas in Germany, this translates to `` Fröhliche Weihnachten. to hear this —... 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