Many Evangelical Christians believe, as some of us once did, that a house church is something new, edgy, or a break from tradition. 7. Obviously, certain issues and details should be presented to legal counsel before being shared with anyone (except in the case of a mandatory reporting to law enforcement). My own house church spend 0 euros on facilities for obvious reasons, which gives us more money to missions and evangelism. So if you are hosting house church meetings, you are being asked to take on a special responsibility. I have participated in dozens of lawsuits involving churches and denominations, taught several seminary courses based on the book, conducted a myriad of seminars for church leaders and counseled with thousands of church leaders on legal and tax issues. Some want to be a “house church.” Some want the community to spend more time together studying the Bible or holding “life groups” in their own homes. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship. Intestate Succession: What Happens When Someone Dies Without a Will? Churches may face a variety of civil claims based on allegations of negligence or misconduct. Most single-family homeowners have homeowners insurance to protect them when guests are injured; it’s required by most mortgages. Their evacuation out of the institutional church and into house churches may be the wrong move for some of the right reasons. Churches cannot, for example, become involved in political activities or legislative lobbying, or they risk losing their tax-exempt status. I am so thankful for The Church Law Group and the incredible resource they are for churches and pastors. To tightly control such a personal liberty, would also raise issues such as freedom of speech, freedom of association, and privacy. When discipline was last common, courts refused to hear most cases involving church membership. If religious gatherings at one‘s house that reasonably do not interfere with neighboring properties are not substantially protected from government interference, then the basic civil and inalienable rights of the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights have little meaning. ***** Despite the preface that I ALSO wrote a post the day before about what the house church movement is getting RIGHT, people seem to read this post as bashing house churches, and send me their emails, … House church is not a panacea for all that ails the institutional Church, nor should it be an end in itself. The closer we get to each other, the more we see each other's faults and the more we can hurt each other. ", "Outstanding – you guys are fantastic. There are serious issues to deal with, and pastors, it's time to wake up and lead the church into the new … ", Available to meet by appointment in Lake Forest, Warrenville, St. Charles, and downtown Chicago, The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Below we explore some of the legal issues that churches often face. Now, the risks can be overstated. They need to have clear procedures for membership, discipline, decision-making, and a statement of faith. If we don’t do that, we abandon our people to work out their problems on their own, and that is a highway to disaster for a sexual struggler. I am grateful to Sam Rainer for his recent post, “Looking Ahead to 2013: What Should the Church Expect.” Many of his seminal ideas are captured in these articles. Litigation Issues for Church Property Ownership. No … Find responses to common legal questions. “Give my greetings to the brothers at Laodicea, and to Nympha and the church in her house” (Col 4:15). It’s like a house party every Sunday! If a mistake results in injury to a guest of the church, the church might be sued. Review Legal FAQs. The vicar knows how to advise and prepare you for your wedding day and everything must comply with all relevant UK and Church of England laws. The church must give messages, both verbal and non-verbal, that “we can handle these issues around here”—because Jesus can handle them. And hosts might find it hard to make their homes meet commercial safety standards week in, week out. This is a very, very common occurrence. Assume the injured person sues. The Internal Revenue Service grants tax-exempt status to churches and other religious organizations. If you are called to testify in a civil or criminal case or are questioned by police or federal agents in the course of an investigation, when are you compelled to answer? A dedicated non-profit lawyer can help you maintain your tax-exempt status, advise you on activity which may threaten your tax-exempt status, and help defend against allegations that your organization has disqualified itself from tax-exempt status. Legal requirements There are certain things that must happen in a church wedding to ensure the marriage complies with both UK civil and church law. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. Among the many amazing assets and tools with which Churches are equipped, the real property on which they worship, train, minister, and serve has to rank near the top of the list. Answer: Churches in the New Testament era were indeed small assemblies that met in homes (Acts 2:46; 20:20). Get your team aligned with all the tools you need on one secure, reliable video platform. We sin. With rare exceptions, judges could defer to the decisions of church leaders. Assume that it was, somehow, the fault of someone acting for the church. Ask a Legal Question. Assume that it was, somehow, the fault of someone acting for the church. In contrast, a Pentecostal church here in Sweden sold their building for 4 million euros and spent all of that money on a new building. In marriage you take on a whole new legal status. They need to follow the 501(c)(3) rules, if they want to keep a tax exemption. In order to keep the process open and honest, as is necessary for confession to truly serve its purpose, parishioners have to know that what they say to their pastor or priest is going to remain confidential. Have clear policies and forms that govern the use of private homes. Immediately after conversion in 1971, I attended a house church. Click here to sign up for our e-mail newsletter to be the first to know of new posts! Maybe there was an uncovered swimming pool, or an open bottle of pills, or an improperly stored firearm. Make sure the church and its hosts have adequate insurance coverage for the events you hold. They need to incorporate to protect individual members from liability. Get Guidance. But apartments, townhouses, renters, etc., might not have enough coverage, or any coverage at all. Maybe there was a spill or a dangerous condition allowed to remain. So the church, too, should make sure that it has adequate insurance. So if your church’s faith encourages meetings in private homes, the risks should prompt some planning, not paralysis. Question: "Is a home church a true biblical church?" As Richard Hammar notes in Pastor, Church & Law, Volume 1: Legal Issues for Pastors, “attempts by the civil courts to define ecclesiastical terms often are awkward and inadequate.” Maybe there was a spill or a dangerous condition allowed to remain. Imagine if they had become a house church network instead and given the money to the poor and to spread the Gospel! And there are many accidents in seemingly safe church buildings. Your church may decide it can have the same kind of fellowship in a rented or commercial space, with fewer risks. He always answers my questions no matter how large or small. After 40 years as a Christian, I myself have spent about 14 of those years in house churches. If you are using a particular house frequently, it may make sense to have a formal written agreement between the church and the homeowner. Redemption Church Pastor Ron Carpenter Jr. | Facebook/Ron Carpenter Jr After nearly a year of public legal disputes over church property, megachurch pastors John Gray and Ron Carpenter Jr. have settled their differences after a successful mediation process, Carpenter said.. Imagine that someone slips, falls, and injures themselves at a church-organized meeting. We make mistakes. By Daniel J. Hebda, Esq. There also seem to be some good reasons to have house churches as opposed to large gatherings: greater intimacy, stronger relationships, more comfortable worship, … Your non-profit attorney can help you determine what liability insurance is needed to protect the church from a wide variety of legal risks. Plan involves starting a church, but in my home at first untill we can purchase an actual building, but I wanted to go ahead and get a Church charter and put a name on it. Maybe it was some snow or ice that should have been removed. A house church full of those who share your interests or who at least get your jokes can seem all the more appealing. Assume the injured person sues. Now let’s imagine that the host of the meeting caused the injury. But when the injury occurs in a home, there may be a claim against the homeowner and/or host. From my point of view, the greatest problem facing the church is lack of unity. Maybe it was some snow or ice that should have been removed. Maintaining tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code requires a church to comply with limitations set out in the tax code. Enterprise . Some of the more universal issues that arise in these settings could be easily addressed in a few good articles, which are included here. Greet also the church that meets at their house (Rom 16:3-5). Jakes, Senior Pastor The Potter's House Learn More . Churches are, legally speaking, not-for-profit organizations that are subject to many of the same laws and regulations as other non-profit businesses. Bishop T.D. As president of Church Excellence, Inc., a ministry designed to help churches achieve excellence in their core ministerial practices, he has studied church ministerial practices and written about and led conferences on church legal leadership issues for the last two decades. Church Music Legal Issues. Most people land here doing a Google search about the house church movement or house churches in general. A property dispute—a municipality trying to strip the church of tax exempt status or a theater trying to deny a church the opportunity to lease its facilities for worship services. The five legal trends discussed in this article shed light on risks that churches and ministries have faced in recent years. Religious officials may have difficulty identifying which conduct merely constitutes giving a sermon or stating a viewpoint, such as a view about how a politician or governmental organization is operating, or raising money for some charitable cause, and which conduct crosses the line into political or legislative activity. The choice of a lawyer is an important decision, and should not be based solely on advertisements. They have legitimate disagreements with the way the local church is functioning today, and their issues have been largely ignored by pastors and those who are in leadership. The house church discussion is always an interesting one. No content on this site may be reused in any fashion without written permission from, Biblical Conciliation / Mediation / Arbitration, Explaining the Illinois Eviction Moratorium. That could not be further from the truth. danger to the well-being of a church or ministry. Churches face unique legal issues that require specialized skills and knowledge to handle. If you have a question regarding one of the issues below or any other legal issue facing your church or other religious organization, reach out to a knowledgeable Illinois non-profit lawyer for help and advice. While property insurance covers a church building and its contents, it does not cover liability risks to the church. So the practice is certainly biblically allowable. People can be very passionate about house, simple, and organic churches, and that can limit some important discussions. There are many issues the Church as a whole needs to address, such as creationism, activism, environmental stewardship and many others. What standards are required. While property insurance covers a church building and its contents, it does not cover liability risks to the church. Lord Hobhouse said that “the Church of England is not itself a legal entity”: Aston Cantlow and Wilmcote with Billesley Parochial Church Council v Walbank [2004] 1 AC 546 at [84]. Dec 10th, 2015 Edit: This post is one of the most popular on my site. Your non-profit attorney can help you determine what liability insurance is needed to protect the church from a wide variety of legal risks. Their evacuation out of the institutional church and into house churches may be the wrong move for some of the right reasons. Churches may face a variety of civil claims based on allegations of negligence or misconduct. If your church, religious organization, or other non-profit faces legal issues in Illinois, get a seasoned and professional opinion on how to proceed by contacting the Chicago church and non-profit attorneys at Pluymert, MacDonald, Hargrove & Lee in Hoffman Estates at 847-310-0025 and in Des Plaines at 847-298-5030. The Federal Rules of Evidence, as well as the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure, prevent the court, administrative boards, or other public officers from requiring that accredited clergy persons disclose information they learn from a parishioner in a conversation involving spiritual guidance the parishioner understands to be confidential. If this injury occurred at a church-owned facility, the injured person will make a claim against the church (and any insurance that covers the accident). Attorney Ruth Jackson Lee helps us navigate the legal issues that come up when managing social media for a church. Listening to the private concerns of parishioners, whether in the form of confession or to provide spiritual guidance, is one of the most important roles played by clergy and organizations. Aquila and Priscilla greet you warmly in the Lord, and so does the church that meets at their house” (1Cor 16:19). Millions of people visit private homes every day, and no one is hurt. And go ahead and start having services in my home. A knowledgeable Illinois non-profit lawyer can help you navigate these issues and protect the confidences of your parishioners while keeping in line with the law. A regulation that constrains gatherings at one‘s house to no more than once per month can be a substantial loss of liberty, especially if a gathering is … But there are many more issues that individuals in the Church are dealing with—issues that the Church Body should be talking about. Churches have been meeting in homes, over a meal, since the beginning. Every so often, a church we are serving finds itself facing a totally unexpected legal challenge. Many Churches are expanding ministry in private homes. To a great extent it is, as the established church (a term I use without trying to define its second word), sui generis in any event. Submit your questions to our in-house legal team. Some faith-based communications may not apply. Church Law: Legal Problems facing Churches (Retired) $ 0.00. But I foresee tens of thousands of American congregations will be impacted by each of them. And they might need to check with an insurance agent to make sure they’re covered for events put on for charities. There can be hundreds of dangerous ‘surprises’ in the average home. However, it remains for the courts and legislative bodies to clearly and consistently speak the law to the issue of religious house meetings. The perspective that only these kinds of experiences can provide is reflected throughout the book. Make sure you have adequately prepared to hose these meetings, including adequate insurance coverage. Failing to meet those requirements can result in discipline or removal. They have legitimate disagreements with the way the local church is functioning today, and their issues have been largely ignored by pastors and those who are in leadership. 2016 - 2021 Pluymert, MacDonald, Hargrove & Lee, Ltd. All rights reserved.Custom WebShop ™ law firm website design by Discipline is an old practice, but this is a new legal environment. Al Lee Discusses Incapacity Planning on Popular Retirement Lifestyle Podcast, The SECURE Act: Elimination of the Stretch IRA and New Rules for Younger Participants. He and his wife, Kim, are the parents of three children and members of Henderson Hills Baptist Church in Edmond, Okla. Ask a Question. Still, understand that you are asking hosts to face special legal risks. I plan on checking with zoning and everything soon, I'm just wondering if it's legal and or if there is any stipulations in this. “The churches in the province of Asia send you greetings. Dr. Jeff Iorg, President of Gateway Seminary, talks about how churches can prepare their ministries to engage and respond to an ever-changing culture. No content on this site may be reused in any fashion without written permission from Jud Wilhite, Senior Pastor Central Christian Church Learn More. Membership classes, interviews with church leaders, and attendance requirements are common. These issues will present themselves unevenly to different churches. When religious organizations ask for legal assistance, don’t make critical errors based on seemingly minor misconceptions of the law. "I typically do not write reviews but I felt compelled to share our experience with Alfred Lee…", "I have been a Gregory MacDonald client for over a year and a half. Having Gregory MacDonald by my side for legal advice, I feel very comfortable and secure. However, there are exceptions to the clergy-penitent privilege, and there may be instances where the scope of the exception is unclear. But having meetings in a home does raise some unique issues, for the church and for the ‘host’ of the home gathering. Brotherhood Mutual's in-house team of attorneys understand ministry legal issues because they've been addressing questions from ministries for years, and they're involved in ministry within their own community. Like any church, house churches can get off track—every church is made up of fallen people who hurt and disappoint each other. Alas, as with all churches, it’s a collection of friends, family, and neighbors that will change over time. If you need help thinking through these issues, reviewing insurance contracts or facility policies, or other legal assistance, please reach out to us. Continually delighted with all the things you’ve helped with over the years. Not anti-house church: Let it be understood from the start, we have nothing against house church. The group was quick to explain that their spiritual journeys have led them to where they are now—and that means their expression of church … Like every church, these groups face legal issues. Imagine that someone slips, falls, and injures themselves at a church-organized meeting. Or who at least get your team aligned with all the tools you need one! I attended a house church discussion is always an interesting one many accidents in seemingly safe church.! Personal liberty, would also raise issues such as freedom of association, and injures at! Involving church membership make sure you have adequately prepared to hose these meetings you! An uncovered swimming pool, or any coverage at all church is lack of unity feel. What Happens when someone Dies without a will most people land here doing a Google search the. 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