Pros and Cons: Are Horse Shoes Necessary for Hoof Health? Details Monday Select your location... Longevity - Flex Step® Shoe Pad material was created to retain its integrity to offer uniform shock absorption for multiple resets. Nicotine Poisoning in Pets. A fast, reliable, proven way to shoe sore-footed horses or those with compromised hooves. Australia Belgium – Holland This is supported by the fact that the “black” rim pad material – 3x softer than the standard performance “blue” urethane rim pad – has proven particularly effective in getting profoundly sore horses (laminitic, arthritic, navicular) back to work. As with almost all methods & processes used by professionals, these techniques have many nuances and farrier experience frequently makes for significant performance variation (particularly in the direct glue applications). NOTE: recent work on direct glue applications utilizing non-metallic (“plastic”) horseshoes with lateral / medial / vertical flexibility seems to minimize this heel bruising problem. SoundHorse glue-on horseshoes are farrier designed, university patented, clinically tested, and competitively proven. The climate, soil, footing and impact conditions are a big part of the hoof wear as well as the work the horse is asked to do. But now I am concerned about shock absorbency. Fax: 610-347-1822 Shoes stress the horse’s hooves and feet. Pros and cons of plastic horseshoes. The Romans are known to have used a leather covering, a “hipposandel”, that was more like today’s “hoof boot” than a horseshoe. The benefit of the typical acrylic used by farriers is that it is slower setting than the urethanes and provides some “open” or working time for the farrier – about 2-3 minutes at 70°F. The Sound Horse shoes, as designed with the polymer fabric cuff, are particularly effective as their attachment strength is more than 2x that of eight (8) clinched nails in a perfect hoof. I do believe there are more or less 'pros' & 'cons' between different styles of shoeing, depending on how they're applied, how healthy - or otherwise feet are when applied, what they're used for & on what surfaces. Also said horse is a really perfect gentlemen. They may use epoxy, resin, and glue-on shoes to change the angle of the foot and lower limbs to promote correct growth. Poorly shod hooves can lead to lameness. The Sound Horse Series I shoes are all open-heeled variants available in an array of forged shapes (supplied by The Victory Racing Plate Company in Baltimore, MD) or machined aluminum alloy for the specialty therapeutic shoes (Morrison Roller Motion). Hoofstar™ the easiest “Glue On Horseshoe / Hoof Boot” on the market Key Advantages: A true Glue On Composite Horseshoe / Hoof Boot. So Hot they're very very Cool! But has always been upset by the smoke. Glue-on Horseshoes and Accessories. The horse is an interesting herd animal with a long, recorded history of service to humans and an equally interesting history of evolutionary and breed development. This remarkably durable animal ranges in mature weight from 800 pound ponies to a 2500 pound draft horses. Pros and Cons of Barefoot Hooves. Fabric Cuffed Systems – The only supplier in this category is Sound Horse Technologies with the patented Series I as well as the Series II & III products. The glue & metal secures & immobilizes the heel by fastening it to the shoe in an effort to prevent a hoof to shoe failure (generally starting at the heel and propagating forward). SoundHorse Technologies Canada Germany Chris Pollitt & Brian Hampson re: The Australian Brumby]. “But now that both have evolved and become stronger and more malleable, they have become a viable option for competition animals.”, • Good for horses with sensitive feet as they are designed to be remedial, • Often harder wearing, so horses can go for longer between being shod, • Considerably more expensive than traditional shoes, • Aesthetically less attractive due to the white adhesive used, For the full article on non-metal shoes, see the current issue of Horse & Hound (20 August, ’09). The material allows the shoe to flex with the hoof, making it more comfortable. Pros / Cons / Discussion © 2021 Glue On Horseshoes by Sound Horse Technologies. Easyshoe Performance NG (Nail/Glue) is as the name suggests, can be either glued-on the hoof or nailed on (or both) Easyshoe Compete is a simple cuff with steel insert to allow for shaping As mentioned previously, glue-on horseshoes are typically only used when there is a hoof issue that precludes the use of nails as an attachment method. Recent innovations in shoes, materials and attachment methods are all efforts to help the horse better perform the required tasks while minimizing damage to the hoof. The only horseshoe to combine a forged aluminum shoe with a urethane shock-absorbing rim pad and the strongest, safest attachment system. Some farriers specialize in corrective trimming and shoeing of young, growing horses. this week - FORGES. The nail provides a cost effective, generally reliable attachment that has changed little over 10+ centuries. As mentioned previously, the acrylics are less sensitive to surface contaminants and allow the farrier the time to apply, position & smooth the adhesive. VAT. Because of this, the farrier needs to be quite diligent in preparation assuring a clean, dry hoof for application of the urethane material. Thank you for your continued support. The main advantage is that they can be great for horses who do not have a strong healthy hoof wall to nail into. There are a few different types of glue-ons that may be considered. *Quick, clean and very simple to apply. NAILS:  The most common attachment for horseshoes was (and still is) a nail – a mechanical device. Ibuprofen Toxicity in Dogs and Cats. Glue On Horseshoes by Sound Horse Technologies, Direct Glue Application Methods (Video & Photo), Morrison Roller Motion Wedged Horseshoes – Calculated Wedge Angles, Direct Glue Applications for Medial/Lateral Extensions, Crack Repair – Internet Videos & Articles. While the metallurgy and design for nails has certainly changed, they still work by penetrating the hoof wall and relying on the integrity of this organic material (the hoof wall) to hold the shoe during work the horse is asked to perform. We ship worldwide. Cutting edge engineering and glue technological advanceshave given horse owners the confidence to use glue on horse shoes as an everyday alternative to nailed on shoes. While the horse is capable of running and jumping, the “design para… The metal horseshoe emerged as a significant innovation in this continuing effort to protect the hoof. Video tutorials from farriers on how to use Glushu glue on horse shoes. They’re too expensive. The first question is: “What glue do I use?”  This is a particularly contentious issue among farriers but it appears that the battle may be going to the acrylics. It also does not hold up well in freezing or very wet conditions (kind of like removing gum from hair using ice). In addition to a longer “open” or working time, the acrylic adhesive is a more robust system and tends to be less sensitive to surface contamination than the urethane materials. Nailed on horseshoes may be too painful to put on and make him sore afterwards. Glue-on shoes can be useful for those with low heels and poor quality walls that could not hold a conventional shoe. For more information see: Some of the many brands of horseshoes and bar shoes we stock are as follows: Kerckhaert St. Croix Forge Inc. Diamond Anvil Brand Equine Fo Would these hooves be better off with shoes? Pros: • Lighter than metal • Good for horses with sensitive feet as they are designed to be remedial Acrylics used in the equine industry are available in “slow set” and “fast set” and are used in hoof repair work as well as glue-on shoe applications. Commercialized more than 15 years ago, the shoe incorporates a fabric cuff that is glued to the outside of the hoof wall using modified acrylic adhesive. New Zealand This list of pros and cons will help you determine if protein glue is the right packaging glue for you. We ship worldwide. This is a testament to the horse and the farriers who shoe the horse. While the horse is capable of running and jumping, the “design parameters” seem to support a contention that these capabilities are primarily to support the seeking of nourishment and to escape predators. Other times, a horse suffering from laminitis may be a good candidate. Some horses (perhaps as many as 10+%) develop heel bruises in this type of a direct glue application. This “natural hoof movement” coupled with the resilient nature of the urethane rim pad seems to complement the natural suspensory system of the horse. As a herd animal, it is designed by nature to graze on a semi-continual basis and travel long distances in the search for nourishment [see Drs. - Call us 8am to 4pm PST 1(775)783-9099 Least well understood is the complete suspensory system that supports the horse. The Easyshoe range of plastic horseshoes are new on the market and proving useful to farriers looking for a specialist shoe for particular hoof problems. All Rights Reserved. Glue on shoes are no longer inferior to nailed on shoes. Second, to reinforce a compromised hoof wall while serving to attach the shoe to the hoof. Finally, inasmuch as there is no glue on the bottom of the hoof, the heels are permitted to move laterally & medially on the urethane heel flats designed into the shoe. What are the pros and cons of hot shoeing verses cold shoeing. The demands on the horse, however, are quite a bit different from that which nature may have originally intended. How Long Will the Sound Horse Shoes Stay On? Use Glu-On Horseshoes for club feet, weak flexors, and hoof extension. Direct Glue – This is the most widely used “glue-on” technique in the industry today. The farrier and the horseshoe is civilization’s response to the problems created for the horse in regular work. Horseshoes - We carry a wide range of Horseshoes and Bar Shoes for your horses. Glue On Shoes Are Well Established As A Main Stream Alternative To Nailed Shoes And Work Very Well For The Horses With Poor Quality Hoof Walls. As a result, this organic hoof structure takes a pretty severe beating from the impact during each stride. Contact Us, Find SoundHorse Glue-on Horseshoes Near You: Glue-On Shoes. Flex Step® Shoe Pads offer superior design features to support your horse in ways other pads can't. Although hoof boots and glue-ons also have disadvantages they are generally less damaging than nailed on metal shoes. Invariably, the time will come when you get a desperate call telling you that Spot has pulled his shoe off — with most of the foot still attached to it. W.J.Kirkpatrick – General Manager, Sound Horse Technologies In such cases, putting in nails in the hooves can be too painful and cause inflammation. There are also some cons about horseshoes as well. As with many products, there are pros and cons – the “pro” is speed; the “con” is sensitivity to moisture & surface contamination. Sweden For comparison, if you look at the heel of any metal shoes that have been nailed onto a hoof, after about 3-5 weeks you will see a distinct dished area where both the heels have continually moved laterally using dust & grit to abrade and wear the metal. Vital benefits include: • Cuff system; reinforces compromised (thin, brittle, cracked broken) hoof wall • Strongest attachment possible; TWICE holding strength of … Urethanes are most commonly used for direct glue application of an aluminum shoe to a hoof, for hoof repair and as a “packing” for sole protection. Order today at *A true Glue On Composite Horseshoe / Hoof Boot. PO Box 689 • Unionville, PA 19375 They are easier to shape than metal horseshoes, and you do not require specialized equipment to install them. Acrylics – there are a broad array of acrylic adhesives and the one most commonly used by farriers is a modified acrylic, typically epoxy-methylmethacrylate. As with many things, first glances can be deceptive. We ship products via UPS everyday! Barefoot hoofed animals also have some distinct advantages. Application videos, removal videos, best practice videos. Nails damage the hoof wall and tissue of the horse’s feet. This is particularly problematic with some horses when the heel is constrained by the direct glue application method with a metal shoe. Horseshoes. The cure time is about 6-8 minutes, again 70°F, to achieve adequate strength. Looking for more articles on shoes and shoeing? While this system was originally conceived as a therapeutic shoe, it has proven well able to meet the rigorous performance needs of competitive horses in ALL areas of equine events. These are an alternative to the traditional shoes that have to be nailed to the horse’s hooves. People Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Pets. The application of metal horseshoes may have begun more than 2000 years ago with bronze shoes and nails found in tombs dating back to ~ 400 BC. ... > Glue On. The glue would need to be carefully applied to prevent closing up the white line and sealing in the infection. France This may introduce other problems due to a lack of shoe rigidity and (varying with design) ground surface grip. Call us direct to order at 800-801-2654 or click here for more ordering information. The Glushu Glue-on horseshoe is a light durable shoe with a 6-10 week shoeing cycle which allows the horse to be worked whilst the hoof heals. We at are taking full precautions to protect us from the COVID-19 Virus, while remaining fully operational. Poisonous Plants for Dogs and Cats. Horseshoes for Art, Events or Crafts Abrasives & Supplies Anvils & Anvil Tools Aprons Bar Stock Drill & Traction Educational Materials Farrier Gifts Feed Supplements Fly Spray Forges & Welding Hoof Care Products Hoof Glue & Packing Hoof Stands Horseshoes Aluminum Horseshoes Glue On Horseshoes Steel Horseshoe Additions Norway Having previously been dismissed except for remedial purposes, plastic and glue-on shoes have undergone a revolution and they are now mounting a major assault on the market. Special equipment is needed. They are not, however, going to displace nails in the foreseeable future as they tend to be used for shoeing or repairing the compromised hoof and require a specialized skill that some farriers may acquire. Spain Use of these specific, modified acrylics is important as its maximum cure temperature is quite a bit lower than that of straight acrylic adhesives. Plastic and glue-on horseshoes have undergone a revolution and are no longer just for remedial purposes — but what are the pros and cons for your horse? Farrier designed, university patented, clinically tested and competitively proven. And play Washers Rules: Two teams of two (red vs. blue); Set boxes approx. It will not hold (things like wreaths or silk flowers) once temps get over about 90 degrees... glue gets soft and the flowers or pine cones just sort of oooze off the base. Safe, tested horseshoe solutionscompetitively proven around the world. Farrier Simon Moore, who has experience fitting both conventional and other types of shoe, says: “Previous attempts at manufacturing plastic and glue-on shoes have been hindered because the materials and adhesives used have not been strong enough. Some have in-built softer pads that give the sole healthy natural support. United States Your horse care and farrier supply! It is a wonderful design that utilizes tendons, ligaments, muscles & the hoof capsule to accelerate, drive and brake the animal, support the weight on an articulating limb AND, finally, absorb the high shock loads to which the hoof & leg is subjected while working,  running and jumping. Denmark The wear component – the hoof wall – is not a uniform material. We offer Nanric, Ibex, and Sporthorse brands. The horse is generally willing to do the work that the owner/rider/trainer asks it to do. Finally, just spray paint the galvanized washers two different colors (Red vs. Blue). Advantages and Disadvantages of Glue-On Horseshoes As expected, there are some advantages and some disadvantages to using glue-on shoes. After affirming that the foot is not bleeding and Spot is still walking on it, you can assure the client that Spot is not permanently damaged and can be helped. United Kingdoms. Expandable Foaming Glues like Gorilla Glue Cause Obstructions in Pets. The farrier needs to be conscious of this in making shoeing decisions. This work may involve mixing some chopped fiber (fiberglass or another polymeric material) into the adhesive used at the heel to generate higher bond strength. Urethanes – this is a chemistry that generally delivers a relatively fast set time (about 30-60 seconds) and similarly fast cure. 10 commonly recognized disadvantages of horse shoes: 1) Decreased shock absorption The digital cushion and hoof cartilages are the flexible parts in the back half of the foot that provide natural shock absorption to the leg. Additionally, when a shoe pulls (for a myriad of reasons) the clinched nail may break out a section of hoof and if the loose shoe stays on, it may cause additional damage. One of the many controversial topics in farriery remains gluing on horseshoes. Glue-On Horseshoes. Phone: 800-801-2654 • 610-347-0453 As a herd animal, it is designed by nature to graze on a semi-continual basis and travel long distances in the search for nourishment [see Drs. Select your location...United StatesAustraliaBelgium – HollandCanadaDenmarkEuropeFranceGermanyItalyMaltaNetherlandsNew ZealandNorwaySpainSwedenSwitzerlandUnited Kingdom. The fabric is captured in a ¼-inch thick urethane rim pad that serves several purposes. This shoe type was developed and patented at the University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine Large Animal Hospital at New Bolton by the Chief of Farrier Service – Rob Sigafoos, Mary Hazzard and Dr. Bill Moyer (now at Texas A&M). Easy to fit and can be glued-on by anyone that is willing to give them a try. It is an organic insensitive tissue of varying density with denser/dryer outer layers and less dense and more heavily hydrated inner layers close to the sensitive, supportive lamina tissue. NO special tools or training required. The hoof is only one component of the suspensory system but it is the piece that is in contact with the ground. Malta The suspensory system (if we want to call it that) supports the weight of the horse as it stands, trots or gallops at up to 32-37 MPH (Thoroughbred) with each hoof hitting the ground every 0.4 seconds with a force of about 200 “g”. see Drs. ADHESIVES:  A relatively recent addition to horseshoe attachment methods is adhesive, aka: “glue”. GET YOUR SORE HORSE BACK TO WORK—NOW! The problem with nails is that a hoof wall may be compromised – broken, cracked, shelly, thin or brittle – and may not have enough structural strength to hold the nail(s) for the entire shoeing interval. The interaction of the horse with humans (domestication) has resulted in quite a bit of selective breeding to support specific tasks requiring specialization of strength, endurance, speed or a combination of these and other attributes. Netherlands The hoof is a complex, living structure that is designed to operate under high unit load and, frequently, high concussion conditions during a wide variety of sport or work challenges. Can't find Sigafoos Series Horseshoes locally? The controversy of whether horses need shoes to maintain hoof health is as old as the development of the first "horse shoe." Hoof Health - Compared to plastic & vinyl pads, our natural material offers remarkable improvement of hoof health throughout the duration of a shoeing cycle. The horse is an interesting herd animal with a long, recorded history of service to humans and an equally interesting history of evolutionary and breed development. Third, the ¼-inch thick, urethane rim pad acts as a shock absorber to reduce impact concussion on an already compromised or sore hoof. The earliest written records of iron shoes of a “crescent shape” date back to ~ 1000 AD and by the 13th century it appears that metal shoes were available in quantity and were in reasonably wide use. Some Horses Are Just Sensitive To The Pressure Of Nails And Can Benefit From Glued On Shoes That Do Not Create The Same Pressures On Thin Walled Hooves. The following is a very basic discussion of each product system. Farriers must carefully evaluate the horse’s conformation, gait, and hoof balance when determining what adjustments to make. One of the problems with direct glue METAL horseshoes is that the metal shoe, once glued to the hoof, will not move as the hoof capsule tries to flex & move, particularly at the heel. Chris Pollitt & Brian Hampson re: The Australian Brumby. Rat Poison (Bromethalin-Based) in Dogs and Cats. The shock attenuating property of the rim pad that minimizes impact concussion is coupled with the fabric cuff to reinforce a compromised hoof wall and appears to be particularly useful in therapeutic shoeing applications. Europe SoundHorse (Sigafoos) Series 1 Elite XB Glue-on Shoes Flat Fronts From £76.50 Excl. Here are some of the more typical excuses for not using glue-on shoes: I’ve never seen a foot that I couldn’t nail a shoe on. Glue-on shoes are a fad or gimmick. 6 September 2013, This paper is a brief discussion regarding the horse (currently found on every continent except Antarctica), the hoof and some shoeing products. This is interesting as the insensitive hoof wall, only ¼- 5/8 inch thick, is called upon to not only support the horse’s weight but to also hold the mechanical fasteners (nails) that may be used to retain horseshoes applied to protect the hoof or improve traction.. Anvil Brand's Glu-On Horseshoes include cuffs, ultimte, and extension varieties. There are farriers who have reasons for not using them. Safe, tested horseshoe … First, to securely bond the cuff to the metal shoe but provide a controlled release should the horse grab or over-reach thereby preventing a catastrophic hoof wall failure. While the horse can run and jump, we find that the rigor of work, training and competition are such that the hoof is subjected to concussion, impact & wear that are not what the horse would normally encounter in its natural environment. The downside of glue-ons is they're more expensive; some can run $75 to $80 a pair, a cost that gets passed onto the client. The Pros and Cons of Protein Glue (Hide Glue) in Packaging 1.800.833.6199 It allows for less stress on any pressure points on the sole or front. Glue On Horseshoes by Sound Horse Technologies Farrier designed, university patented, clinically tested and competitively proven. Please educate me about the pros and cons of all three. There is also a great deal of variability with success based on whether the shoes are steel or aluminum with the preponderance of “successes” being with the aluminum shoes. Early attempts to reduce the wear and damage to the hoof as a way to keep the animal in active / useful work utilized various hoof coverings made from an array of materials. Where unique shoes shapes are required, the farrier / vet has the option of using the Series II plate & cuff assembly to build the therapeutic shoe OR they can use the Series III universal cuff for attachment to any shoe, any size, any shape, any material. Using these products, the farrier / vet is able to build the right therapeutic shoe for the horse and apply it with the confidence that it will stay attached for the entire shoeing interval regardless of the condition of the hoof. Quick, clean and very simple to apply. Yes, there are many differences between metal rims and something like Eponas or Easyshoes. Glue-ons work best for horses that suffer from conditions such as laminitis. SoundHorse Glue-On Horseshoes are farrier designed, university patented, clinically tested and competitively proven worldwide. 2. 01327 314880. Having said all of that, the traditional method of nailing on horseshoes is remarkably effective for the vast majority of horses. It may, however, provide some useful basic information and raise some questions while suggesting some answers. On first glance it appears to be the easiest as all that is required is glue & a horseshoe….. What could be easier? Try Mustad Glue On Shoes Or The Thorobred Sticky Shoe. Switzerland Lead Poisoning in Dogs and Cats. It is not an in-depth research or reference paper nor is it intended to advocate a particular method of shoeing. In addition, the farrier will always need to do a bit more work at the heel of the shoes in order to preclude early failures. Chris Pollitt & Brian Hampson re: The Australian Brumby]. Horseshoes applied with adhesive rather than nails made by SoundHorse, Easycare and Equine Fusion. GLUE-ON APPLICATIONS:  There are primarily two (2) types of glue on application methods – direct glue and fabric-cuff systems (made by Sound Horse Technologies). Many “glues” have been used over the last century but the most common in use today are urethanes and acrylics. Find your Glu-On Horseshoes at Anvil Brand. These materials were adapted from industry and then pioneered for use in the horse market in the late 1980s and both have seen reasonable acceptance from the farrier industry in the USA. {"piano":{"sandbox":"false","aid":"u28R38WdMo","rid":"R7EKS5F","offerId":"OF3HQTHR122A","offerTemplateId":"OTQ347EHGCHM"}}, {"location":"Keystone Header","subscribeText":"Subscribe now","version":"1","menuWidgetTitle":"H&H Plus","myAccountLnk":"\/my-account","premiumLnk":"\/hhplus","menuLnks":{"2":{"text":"Plus Hub","href":"\/plus-hub"}},"colors":{"text":"#000","button":"#000","link":"#00643f"}}, Things to consider before removing your horse’s shoes this winter, How to help prevent your horse from losing a shoe, The perfect fit: Standard and therapeutic shoeing options for your horse *H&H Plus*. Italy `` horse shoe. pad and the strongest, safest attachment system that give sole... Monday the glue would need to be nailed to the traditional shoes that have to be carefully applied to closing. 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